Crater Lake Looks at New Water Source
The Modesto Bee
Medford, Oregon
July 18, 1975
CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK. Ore. (UPI) – A new water source may have to be found for facilities in Crater Lake National Park, a national park service official said Tuesday.
The park has been closed since last Friday because its water source was contaminated.
Lavern Miller, Oregon protective health service officer, said an entire new water system might be required, Ernest J., Borgman, group supervisor for national park facilities in Oregon, said it appears the present system can be used but it may have to be linked to a new supply source.
Borgman said several sources were being considered, all within three or four miles of the complex of commercial and campground facilities and park headquarters served by the contaminated system.
Many Springs
“There are lots of springs up there,” Borgman said. “We’re evaluating feasibility of the different alternatives.”
He said by this weekend officials may know when the park can be reopened.
Miller said it might take up to two years to build an entire new water system.
He said water would he brought in temporarily if a new system had to be built.
Meanwhile, an Army water treatment plant on loan from Fort Lewis, Wash., was being used to flush out the contaminated system. Borgman said heavily chlorinated water was being run through the pipes, contaminated when raw sewage clogged them.
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