Exploring Crater Lake in Winter: Volunteers Answer Pressing Questions – December 15, 2007

Exploring Crater Lake in Winter: Volunteers Answer Pressing Questions

Herald and News

Klamath Falls, Oregon
December 15, 2007

H&N Regional Editor


Bill Wright is a volunteer from Friends of Crater Lake who works at the information desk on the second floor of the Rim Cafe and Gift Store, formerly the Watchman Restaurant, in Rim Village at Crater Lake National Park.

He and other volunteers are at the information desk, near windows that provide a protected view of the lake and surrounding mountain, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays and during the Christmas holidays. The room itself is open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Wright, who lives in Klamath Falls, is retired from the California Department of Health Services in Sacramento, and was chief of cancer registry.

“The big one,” he says of the most frequently asked questions, “is, ‘Does the lake ever freeze over?’ Another is, ‘Are there fish in the lake?’ (The answer to both is yes.) Others ask, ‘Where’s the closest place to get something to eat outside the park?’ and ‘Where’s the closest place for lodging?'”

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