Crater Lake Seeks Volunteers – October 27, 2007

Crater Lake Seeks Volunteers

Herald and News

Klamath Falls, Oregon
October 27, 2007
Volunteers willing to field questions and provide information about winter activities at Crater Lake National Park are being sought by the Friends of Crater Lake.

Larry Smith, the Friends volunteer coordinator, said the group wants to have a group of 10 to 15 “motivated people” to assist at winter information desks at the Steel Center in the park headquarters complex and at Rim Village. Volunteers, who are wanted to work from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends, will be provided with free park housing.

Volunteers are needed from Nov. 24-25 to April 26-27, 2008. Training dates will be announced.

To sign-up or receive more information contact Larry Smith, Friends volunteer coordinator, 315 Laurelwood Drive, Jacksonville, OR 97530, telephone (541) 899-7402, email

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