Ted Arthur

Crater Lake National Park Centennial Oral Histories

 Ted Arthur

My Memories of Crater Lake National Park

Leaving the hot, crowded Santa Clara Valley in California to experience the cool, crisp, clean air of Crater Lake.

To be greeted by a magnificent stand of Ponderosa Pine on the South Entrance, checking-in at the Park Headquarters.

Cleaning a Sleepy Hollow cabin. Taking pleasure in renewing acquaintances. Seeing our children enjoying the out-of-doors with other residents at the Park.

Aiding in getting interpretive facilities ready for the season. The joy of interpreting, to aid the visitor in understanding and appreciating the Park.

The comradeship of fellow uniformed and non-uniformed personnel. The generous hospitality of Bruce & Barbara Black – hosting evening sing-a-longs.

Seeing the changes occur through the short growing season. Animal sightings.

Being treated to spectacular sunsets.

I was most fortunate to spend 12 summers at Crater Lake, and provided me the opportunity to work in one of America’s Wonderlands.

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