Ski and Snowshoe Trails

Skiing and Snowshoeing Trails

Skiing At Crater Lake
Rules and Regulations
Skiing around Crater Lake
Difficulty How to Find Markings Length Vertical Drop Notes
Rim Village Area
West Rim Road easy west side of Rim Village area at snow ramp unmarked, but follows unplowed roadway 6.1 miles to North Junction good views of the lake; often windy and icy
Hemlock Loop moderate snow ramp in Rim Village parking area blue diamonds on trees and orange poles 2 miles rolling hills; more sheltered than West Rim Road
Raven Trail difficult east of lodge in open bowl leading into woods blue diamonds, difficult to follow 1 mile 600 feet trail ends near Park Headquarters, can connect to East Rim Road
Dutton Creek / PCT / Annie Springs Trail difficult about 50 yards south of West Rim Road snow ramp blue diamonds, arrows, older red / orange blazes 4.5 miles 1000 feet, mostly in first mile trail ends at Mazama Village or Highway 62
Lightning Springs difficult branches off West Rim Road two miles from Rim Village blue diamonds 4 miles to PCT, 9.6 miles to Dutton Creek 1300 feet connects to PCT / Dutton Creek
Park Headquarters Area
East Rim Road moderate snow ramps near Park Headquarters unmarked, but follows unplowed roadway 3 miles to Vidae Falls, 4.5 miles to Sun Notch, 9 miles to Kerr Notch no view of lake until Sun Notch
Crater Peak Trail moderate to base of peak, difficult thereafter branches off East Rim Road to the south, 2.3 miles from Headquarters blue diamonds on trees, older red / orange blazes 2.5 miles one way 600 foot climb to the peak from East Rim Road last 0.7 miles very steep through trees; trail not marked to peak
Greyback Trail moderate branches off East Rim Road to the east, 3.0 miles from Headquarters, just past Vidae Falls red / orange blazes on trees, follows unplowed roadway; difficult to follow in first half mile 4.8 miles one way 250 foot climb, followed by 800 foot loss (west to east) used very little
Mazama Village easy at Entrance Station, 3 miles south of Headquarters good beginner ski trail; views of Annie Creek Canyon


Ski Trails of Crater Lake National Park from a NPS handout


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