Three missing people found: hunters, mushroom hunter located Saturday – October 18, 2009

Three missing people found: hunters, mushroom hunter located Saturday

Herald and News

Klamath Falls, Oregon

October 18, 2009


Search teams helped locate two elk hunters and a mushroom hunter who were lost in the forest in separate incidents Saturday.

Around 9 a.m., Victoria, 43, and Craig Nameny, 11, of Chiloquin, were in pursuit of an elk in the Sun Mountain area outside Fort Klamath when they became lost, according to Klamath County Sheriffs Office reports.

The hunters dialed 911 and reported they were prepared to stay put until help arrived.

“Searchers began making noise and talking to them on cell phone and then they walked out to the sound of the vehicles,” Klamath County Sheriff Tim Evinger said. “They found another hunting party and that party helped them find us, and we took them to their vehicle.”

Deputies said that the Namenys’ vehicle, the area teams were searching, and the area where the Namenys were found were all within 100 yards of one another. Searchers said the area was some of the thickest forest they had ever seen.

In another search and rescue operation, sheriff’s deputies assisted a mushroom hunter from Washington who was lost in Crater Lake National Park.

Pone Xaysana, 42, of Monroe, Wash., called 911 at 12:30 p.m. to report he had been hunting mushrooms near Chemult and was lost. Operators had trouble communicating with Xaysana until a U.S. Forest Service translator could be contacted.

Xaysana dialed 911 again, and operators were able to get his coordinates, which placed him on Rim Drive in Crater Lake National Park. Park rangers located Xaysana a short time later.

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