August 19 1905 A barely passable road to the Rim from Anna Springs is completed, following the route of present day Raven Ski Trail.
Summer 1905 The name, Mt. McLoughlin adopted by a resolution of the Oregon Legislature, also by the Oregon Geographic Board, and by the United States Geographic Board. The mountain was once named Mt. Jackson by the British, and the locals knew it both as Snowy Butte and as Mt. Pitt.
Construction begins on a new park office and superintendent dwelling at Anna Springs. Superintendent Arant has livedin a tent for three summers.
Chauncey Nye’s son is employed as a park ranger. Chauncey’s grandson, Waldo Nye, eventually married William Arant’s grand-daughter.
Summer 1905 Medford garage owner, Bill Hudson, claims to be the first to reach the Rim in his Buick passenger car.
September 1905 Suggestion is made that Annie Creek, because of its “large size”, be renamed Crater River.
Season 1905 Visitation: 1,400 est.
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