Ten small fires burn in Crater Lake park area – August 16, 2004

Ten small fires burn in Crater Lake park area

Mail Tribune

Medford, Oregon
August 16, 2004
CRATER LAKE — Firefighters have been using eco-friendly tactics to contain several small fires in remote areas of the Crater Lake National Park.
Crews aim to surround the fires with minimum disturbance to the forest floor while allowing some areas to burn naturally, fire officials said. Helicopters were expected today to assist 100 firefighters manning 10 fires in remote areas of the park.
A spate of lightning touched off the fires Friday and Saturday nights. Although the park received nearly half an inch of rain during the storms, smoldering spots were expected to leap to life today, said Wayne Patterson, fire information officer for the U.S. Forest Service.

The largest blaze was believed to be between 35 and 45 acres in size, Patterson said. Located several miles from roads, interpretive centers and lodging facilities, the fires posed no threat to visitors, he added. However, the Pacific Crest Trail — located in the park’s western reaches — was closed because of proximity to the fires.
Crews likely will work for several more days to contain the fires, Patterson said.

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