Report of the Superintendent of the Crater Lake National Park, 1910
During the season of 1909 the number of tourists in the park, as shown by the government register, was as follows: June, 163; July, 774; August, 2,350; September, 984; total, 4,171. If a reasonable allowance is made for persons not registered, it is safe to say that during the season there were at the least 5,000 persons in the reserve. Comparatively few persons camped in the park for three days or more; a great many came in and went out the same day, and very few camped in the reserve more than one night; by October 1, 1909, the travel in the park was practically ended for the season.
During the season of 1910 the travel in the park appears to be about the same as during the season of 1909, although the government register does not show that there were quite as many names registered, the number registering this year being 4,171.
To about August 24 the number traveling in the park was fully equal to that of any previous season, but at this time the forest fires situation became so alarming and dangerous in the mountains adjacent to the park that for a period of two weeks or more there was scarcely any travel in the reserve.
Another reason that the registration does not run as high as it should is the very limited ranger force, and having the forest fires to contend with in addition to many other duties many in the park were not called upon to register.
If due allowance is made for all persons who from one cause or another were not registered, it would be a conservative estimate to place the number in the reserve during the season of 1910 at 5,000 persons.
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