20. Ibid., pp. 71, 75.
21. Ibid., p. 71. Elaine Hounsel served as acting superintendent from February 13 to April 15, 1984.
22. Ibid., pp. 58, 69, 71.
23. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Regulations Governing Crater Lake National Park [In Effect May 1, 1917] (Washington, 1917), pp. 1-7. See Appendix A for a copy of these regulations.
24. Lane to Mather, May 13, 1918, RG 48, Central Classified Files, 1907-36, File No. 12-0, Administration, Part 1. The latter was printed in its entirety in the Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1918, pp. 273-76. See Appendix B for a copy of the letter. Also see Stephen T. Mather, “The National Park Status of Crater Lake,” inOregon: Out of Doors (Portland, 1922), pp. 10-18, Oregon Collection, University of Oregon, Eugene.
25. Solinsky to the Director, Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations, February 28, 1934, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 208, Part 1, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, General. Also see U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Rules and Regulations, Crater Lake National Park, 1921 (Washington, 1921).
26. Ibid., and Memorandum for the Assistant Secretary, January 15, 1932, RG 48, Central Files, 1907-36, File No. 12-3, Part 2, National Parks, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, 1931-36. Further data on the regulations for Crater Lake National Park may be found in RG 48, Central Files, 1907-36, File No. 12-3, Part 1, Parks, Reservations and Antiquities, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, 1918-30, and Part 2, National Parks, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, 1931-36; RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 208, Part 1, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, General; and RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 208, Part 1, Crater Lake, Rules and Regulations, General, and Rules and Regulations, Approved.
27. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, In the Matter of the Appointment of William G. Steel, November 21, 1916, Commissioner for the Crater Lake National Park, Steel Scrapbooks, Crater Lake, No. 38, Vol. 6, Museum Collection, Crater Lake National Park.
28. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1921, p. 225.
29. Marsh to Steel, February 16, March 3, 1921; Marsh to Attorney General, February 16, 1921; and In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, In the Matter of the Appointment of William G. Steel, Commissioner for the Crater Lake National Park, March 7, 1921, Steel Scrapbooks, Crater Lake, No. 39, Vol. 7, Museum Collection, Crater Lake National Park.
31. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1929, p. 67; Ibid., p. 88; and Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1932, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 207-001.2, Part One, Crater Lake, Reports (General), Directors Annual Report.
32. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Crater Lake National Park, Press Release, August 4, 1939, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 201-15, Policy, Crater Lake, Publicity, Newspaper Articles, Press Notices. During 1939 a strong effort was made to have Chief Ranger Crouch appointed as a Deputy U.S. Marshall for the park for the prompt hearing of misdemeanor cases that were brought before the U.S. Commissioner living in the park. Information relating to the outcome of this effort could not be found. RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 201-10.1, Part 1, Crater Lake, Administration and Personnel, Deputy Marshall.
33. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1947, 1949, Files, Superintendents Office, Crater Lake National Park, and Fee to Franke, October 22, 1948, and Memorandum, The Solicitor to The Secretary, November 30, 1948, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 201-10, Part 1, U.S. Commissioners.