Crater Lake National Park: Administrative History by Harlan D. Unrau and Stephen Mark, 1987
Crater Lake, Oregon. Crater Lake National Park.
Administrative Files, Canfield Building Attic.
Administrative Files, Warehouse.
Central Files.
Files, Superintendent’s Office.
Superintendent’s Annual Reports, 1928-53, 1967-69, 1973-74, 1979-86.
Superintendent’s Monthly Reports, 1928-59, 1961-66.
Interpretation Division Files.
Klamath Falls Group Office Files.
Library Collection.
Museum Collection.
Crater Lake Ranger Manual, 1928
J.S. Diller’s Notes, 1896
Naturalist Daily Log Book, 1950-63, 1971-82
Register of Camping Parties, 1908-14, 1914-17
Register of Persons Entering Park, 1921-36, 1931-34
Register of Visitors, 1916-36
Register of Visitors, Western Entrance, 1917-21
Register of Visitors, 1928-29, 1933-35
Register of Visitors Entering Park, 1918-20 (Mount Scott Lookout, 1929-51)
Scrapbooks (4)
Superintendent’s Annual Reports, Crater Lake National Park, 1903-07, 1909-15
Survey Record Books (Engineering), 1920s-1960s
William G. Steel Correspondence Collection, Letter Files (3)
William G. Steel Scrapbooks
Crater Lake
No. 21, Vol. 1
No. 22, Vol. 2, Part 2
No. 35, Vol. 3
No. 36, Vol. 4
No. 37, Vol. 5
No. 38, Vol. 6
No. 39, Vol. 7
No. 40, Vol. 8
No. 41, Vol. 9
Forest Reserves.
No. 24, Vol. 1
No. 25, Vol. 2
Old Naturalist Files.
Resource Management Files.
Vertical Files (Park Library)
Denver, Colorado. Denver Public Library.
Western History Collecton.
Eugene, Oregon. Main Library, University of Oregon.
Oregon Collection.
Crater Lake National Park Circulars, 1912-14, 1916-19, 1922-25, 1927-33.
Crater Lake National Park Company. Crater Lake National Park. Medford, 1921.
Hull, Frank H. Southern Oregon: The Cream of Creation. [1904].
Mazamas. Diamond Peak and Crater Lake, Mazamas 28th Annual Outing, July 30th – August 15th, 1921. Portland, 1921.
_______. Oregon Out of Doors. Portland, 1922.
“Preliminary Report on the Crater Lake Project: A Study of Appreciation of Nature Beauty Sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the University of Oregon, Report Prepared by R.W. Leighton, Executive Secretary of Research, University of Oregon, May 1, 1934.
Southern Pacific Railroad. Crater Lake: Oregon’s Mountain Playground. 1917.
Steel, W.G. “An Outing of the Mazamas.” Twentieth Century Home, June 1904, 24-27.
U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. “The Master Plan, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. 1947.”
Wilderness Suitability Study–Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, Klamath Falls and Medford, Oregon, January 21 and 23, 1971: Official Transcript of Proceedings, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.