“Archeological Surveys of Crater Lake National Park and Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon,” by Wilbur A. Davis, (Report on an archaeological project carried out under terms of a Memorandum of Agreement, Crater Lake National Park – FY 1963, Contract No. 14-10-0434-900, between the University of Oregon and the United States National Park Service). [Copy on file in Library Collection, Crater Lake National Park]
Crater Lake Limnological Program, 1984 Annual Report, by Gary L. Larson, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, in collaboration with Jon Jarvis and Jerry McCrea, Crater Lake National Park, National Park Service, Crater Lake, Oregon.
Crater Lake Limnological Studies, 1985 Annual Report, by Gary L. Larson, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, in collaboration with Jon Jarvis and Jerry McCrea, Crater Lake National Park, National Park Service, Crater Lake, Oregon.
Crater Lake National Park. Natural and Cultural Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, 1986.
Crater Lake National Park. “Ranger Manual, 1938,” by Ernest P. Leavitt and J. Carlisle Crouch. [Copy on file in Library Collection, Crater Lake National Park.]
_______. “Ranger-Naturalists Temporary Manual of Operation, 1934.” [Copy on file in Library Collection, Crater Lake National Park.]
________. “Red Cone District Operations Handbook,” February 17, 1967, by Larry L. Hakel. [Copy on file in Library Collection, Crater Lake National Park.]
“Final Narrative Report to Regional Landscape Architect – Region IV, Through the Superintendent, Emergency Conservation Work 7th Period, Camp NP-i, Co. 1634 (Located at Annie Spring), Crater Lake National Park by Francis G. Lange, Resident Landscape Architect, Howard W. Buford, Assistant Landscape Architect, November 1, 1936.” [Copy on file in Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.]
“Preliminary Report on the Crater Lake Project: A Study of Appreciation of Nature Beauty Sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the University of Oregon.” Report prepared by R.W. Leighton, Executive Secretary of Research, University of Oregon, May 1, 1934. [Copy on file in Library Collection, Crater Lake National Park.]
Smith, Larry, and Smith, Lloyd. comps. The Smith Brothers’ Chronological History: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, 1832 to 1895.
U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. A Bibliography of National Parks and Monuments West of the Mississippi River. Vol. I. 1941.
________. ________. Crater Lake National Park Collection Management Plan. [1977].
________. ________. Crater Lake National Park Resource Management Plan. April 9, 1982.
________. ________. Crater Lake National Park, Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment. April 9, 1984.
________. ________. Description of Wilderness Proposal for Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. February, 1969.
________. ________. Draft General Management Plan: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. July, 1977.
________. ________. Draft Visitor Use Plan, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. July, 1977.