Diller, J.S. Crater Lake, Oregon. Washington, 1898.
Douthit, Mary Osborn. ed. The Souvenir of Western Women. Portland, 1905.
Farner, Donald S. The Birds of Crater Lake National Park. Lawrence, Kansas, 1952.
Gaston, Joseph. The Centennial History of Oregon: 1811-1912. 4 vols. Chicago, 1912.
Hays, Samuel P. Conservation and the Gospel of Efficiency: The Progressive Conservation Movement, 1890-1920. Cambridge, 1959.
Hibbard, Benjamin H. A History of Public Land Policies. New York, 1924.
Hines, H.K. An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon. Chicago, 1893.
Ise, John. Our National Park Policy: A Critical History. Baltimore, 1961.
James, Harlean. Romance of the National Parks. New York, 1939.
Kirk, Ruth. Exploring Crater Lake Country. Seattle, 1975.
Lapham, Stanton C. The Enchanted Lake: Mount Mazama and Crater Lake in Story, History and Legend. Portland, 1931.
Morris, Richard B. ed. Encyclopedia of American History: Bicentennial Edition. New York, 1976.
Pinchot, Gifford. Breaking New Ground. New York, 1947.
Place, Howard and Marian. The Story of Crater Lake National Park. Caldwell, Idaho, 1974.
Reik, Henry O. A Tour of America’s National Parks. New York, 1920.
Ruhle, George C Along Crater Lake Highways: A Road Guide to Crater Lake National Park. 1953.
Runte, Alfred. National Parks: The American Experience. Lincoln, 1979.
Schaffer, Jeffrey P. Crater Lake National Park and Vicinity. Berkeley, 1983.
Sharpe, Grant and Wenomah. 101 Wildflowers of Crater Lake National Park. Seattle, 1959.
Southern Oregon Library Federation. comp. A Guide to the State of Jefferson. Portland, 1972.
Steel, William G. Steel Points. January, April, July, 1907; July, August, 1925; and May 1927.
_______. The Mountains of Oregon. Portland, 1890.
Van Hise, Charles R., and Havemeyer, Loomis. eds. Conservation of Our Natural Resources. New York, 1933.
Warfield, Ronald J., Juillerat, Lee, and Smith, Larry Crater Lake: The Story Behind the Scenery. Las Vegas, 1982.
Williams, Howel. Crater Lake: The Story of Its Origin. Berkeley, 1941.
Writers’ Program of the Works Projects Administration. Oregon: End of the Trail. Portland, 1940.
Yard, Robert Sterling. The Book of the National Parks. New York, 1919.
Yocum, Charles F. Shrubs of Crater Lake National Park. San Francisco, 1964.
The books that were most useful for this study were those by Albright, Diller, Ise, Kirk, Lapham, Place, Ruhle, and Steel.