Development – 04 Rim Village

  • Prior to any major actions, a comprehensive design will be prepared for the Rim Village area. This design would determine the location of the interpretive center, pedestrian areas, relocated and reorganized parking areas, access to the lodge, picnic area and employee dormitory, and the excess roads to be removed in the picnic area. Preliminary studies indicate that the cabin-service area of approximately 8 acres behind the cafeteria is the most feasible location for replacement of parking removed from the rim. The main parking area in front of the cafeteria/curio shop will be redesigned to improve parking and circulation. Native plant materials can be utilized to make the parking areas and buildings more attractive. (This may require the use of portable plant containers which can be removed to facilitate snow removal in winter.)

  • A new access road to the picnic area, lodge, and employee dormitory will relocate this traffic further from the rim. The lodge parking area, for 150 cars, is expected to be contained within the present parking areas but organized for more efficient use of the available space.

  • A maintenance-refurbishing program for the lodge will be developed in cooperation with the concessioner. This will assure that the historic character is retained while providing firstclass accommodation for visitors.

  • Following the relocation of the parking area presently existing along the rim between the lodge and the main parking in front of the cafeteria/curio shop, the area will be landscaped with native vegetation and walkways, providing an area for leisurely viewing and interpretive activities free from the intrusion of constantly moving auto traffic.

  • An Interpretive Center designed for year-round use will be located adjacent to the main parking area. The center will contain an enclosed area for winter viewing of the lake and space for information and interpretive services (exhibits, publications, informal audiovisual programs, and/or personal services). The center is visualized as a relatively open, unobtrusive structure which can be enclosed in the winter. It will replace the cafeteria/curio shop as the focal point for visitoractivities in the Rim Village.

Upon completion of the new Interpretive Center, the exhibit building and community building would be recorded and removed and the sites restored with native vegetation. The old comfort station would be replaced with new facilities in the center.

The Sinnott Memorial will be retained to continue its function as a major interpretive facility.

  • Two of the three comfort stations in the picnic area will be replaced with new facilities and excess roads will be removed from the area. These actions are independent of other actions and could occur whenever funds are available.

  • The final phase of the long-range rim redevelopment will consist of the removal of obsolete concession facilities. At that point, the parking areas could conceivably be reduced in size, excess roads removed, and the sites of the facilities restored to a natural-like condition or landscaped in harmony with the other rim developments.

Utility changes in the Rim Village area will be minimal. Conversion of the campground to a picnic area has reduced the load on the present septic system and current improvements to the system will assure that it is adequate for the foreseeable future. The new picnic area comfort stations and the Interpretive Center will be connected to this system. Water, power, and telephone lines will be extended to the new Interpretive Center. If the major concessioner facilities are removed, numerous power, sewer, water, and telephone lines will be abandoned or removed.

Upon completion of the main phases of the Rim Village modification, there will be greater emphasis placed on the interpretive services available, and the entire area will be aesthetically appealing with less intrusion of the automobile on the prime lake viewing area.


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