Winter – 14 Chapter 4. Winter Use Plan – WINTER USE ALTERNATIVES

Existing NPS policy regarding winter backcountry use seeks to preserve the solitude of the backcountry experience by restricting size of visitor parties to no more than 8 people, and requires parties to camp beyond visible range of one another. Development of a hut-tohut system could compromise the backcountry experience by congregating groups of backcountry users near the huts, causing user conflicts and generating sanitation problems. In addition to impacts to the backcountry wilderness experience, the NPS has determined that winter snow levels would make maintenance and management of a hut-to-hut system in Crater Lake National Park impractical.

Alternative 4 – Expanded Cross-Country Skiing and Snowmobiling

Under this alternative, additional snowmobile access would be provided and groomed cross-country ski trails would be developed along portions of Rim Drive. Other activities would remain as described under Alternative 3.


Under this alternative, a new snowmobile route would be developed along the Pinnacles road from the former east entrance to the Phantom Ship overlook at Kerr Notch. This element would be inconsistent with Management Objective 4, which seeks to preserve the opportunity for a quiet, solitary experience for winter users in the park’s backcountry.

Cross-Country Skiing

Under this alternative, the existing ungroomed cross-country ski trail system would be maintained, a groomed trail system would be developed in Mazama Village, and the NPS would explore the possibility of developing of groomed trails on portions of Rim Drive. As previously discussed, the NPS has chosen not to develop groomed trails in the park. Because the unplowed portion of Rim Drive is considered a wilderness area during the winter, this element would be inconsistent with Management Objective 4. Operation of mechanized grooming equipment on Rim Drive would be inconsistent with NPS wilderness management regulations. In addition, public comment does not support development of groomed trails in the park.


Under this alternative, snowshoe walks would remain as described in Alternative 3 and would be consistent with Management Objective 3, which seeks to provide high-quality interpretive and educational programs relevant to the winter environment at Crater Lake National Park.

Overnight Camping – Frontcountry

Frontcountry camping under this alternative would be as described under Alternative 3.

Overnight Camping – Backcountry

Backcountry camping under this alternative would remain as under existing conditions.



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