Assessment – 03 II. Preliminary Description of the Alternatives

F. Lost Creek Campground

    1.Modest expansion of Lost Creek Campground.

        Increase the size of the primitive campground from 12 to 35 sit

    2. Remove Lost Creek Campground and restore the site to as natural a state as possible.

    3. Convert Lost Creek Campground to a day-use picnic area

G. Visitor Orientation/Interpretation Facilities

    1. Construct a visitor center at Rim Village

        a. A new all-weather facility with exhibit space, lounge, restrooms, and auditorium would be constructed in the Rim Village complex.

        b. The existing exhibit room and community building would be removed.

        c. Sinnott Memorial complex and its interpretive program would be retained.

    2. Convert the administrative building at Munson Valley to a visitor center

        The feasibility of this alternative is based on the alternative of relocating park administrative headquarters near the south entrance (see Alternative D.1.).

    3. Convert a portion of the store/cafeteria at the Rim Village to a visitor center

        (This alternative is contingent upon the actions proposed in Alternative B.l. Rim Village, Selective Reduction.) Once completed, the existing exhibit room and community building would be obliterated.

    4. Forgo visitor center-decentralized interpretation/orientation programs

        Interpretation will revolve around a strong, flexible, personal services program with no central visitor center facility.

H. Visitor Circulation 1. Upgrade the Rim Drive to safely accommodate two-way traffic throughout the visitor season

    2. Close the West Rim Drive roadway to regular vehicular traffic

        a. Close the road between the Rim Village and the North Junction to through traffic.

        b. Initiate a (free) shuttle-system over this closed road, providing frequent stops at the various overlooks.

        c. Construct a parking area at North Junction.

        d. Establish a visitor contact station in association with the parking area immediately south of the North Junction.

    3. Explore feasibility of developing a bike path along selected portions of the Rim Drive.

    (Kerr Notch to Cleetwood Cove and Rim Village to the Watchman Turnout are possibilities.)