Ideas sought on Crater Lake Plan
Herald and News
Klamath Falls, Oregon
April 04, 2001
By Lee Juillerat
The National Park Service is looking for input on how Crater Lake National Park should be managed for the next several years.
A public meeting to discuss a general management plan for the park is set for 5-7 p.m. Monday at the Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main St., room 219.
The meeting is the first of four scheduled during the week. Others are planned Tuesday through Thursday in Medford, Roseburg and Salem.
Crater Lake Superintendent Chuck Lundy said the meetings are intended to inform and encourage people to participate in the planning process. The general management plan will help determine the long-term direction for resource management, visitor use and facilities at the park.
The plan is expected to build on projects and plans undertaken in recent years. The rehabilitation of four buildings in the Rim Village area — the Sinnott Memorial, Kiser studio, plaza comfort station and community house — which is scheduled to begin this spring, is an example of work scheduled through previous planning efforts.
Lundy said the new plan “will provide a framework for addressing major issues at the park for the next 15 years.”
Members of the park’s planning team will be available to explains steps in the planning process, summarize responses already received, answer questions and receive comments.
Lundy said public participation is wanted.
“Developing a vision for the future of Crater Lake National Park is the primary role of the general management plan,” said Lundy. “Comments from the public are important for identifying issues and desired visitor experiences at the park.”
Regional Editor Lee Juillerat covers Lake, Siskiyou, Modoc and northern Klamath counties. He can be reached at 885-4421, (800) 275-0982, or by e-mail at
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