Astronomy programs set for this weekend – July 29, 2004

Astronomy programs set for this weekend

Herald and News

Klamath Falls, Oregon
July 29, 2004

John Dobson will bring his sidewalk astronomy to the Fort Klamath County Museum Friday and Diamond Lake Resort Saturday. Both programs will begin at 8 p.m.

Earning such nicknames as “MacGyver of Astronomy,” Dobson has been looking at the sky through his home-made telescopes since 1956.

Originally a monk of the Ramakrishna Order, Dobson was kicked out of the Vedanta Monastery in Sacramento in 1967 because of his telescope and star-gazing projects.

Today he travels throughout the U.S. teaching telescope construction and introducing people to the sky.

“He left the monastery because he was so interested in letting people know that the heavens are available to us,” said Judith Hassen, Klamath County Museum manager.

Dobson will be presented the 2004 Crater Lake Institute award for excellence in public service on Friday before he speaks.

Hassen expects Dobson to talk about things that make it easier for people to approach the stars. After Dobson’s presentation he will give a guided tour of the stars via telescope.

Both programs are free to the public and donations are accepted to defray the cost of Dobson’s travels. People planning to attend are asked to bring their own telescope and museum officials recommend they also bring insect repellent.

Saturday the program will begin in the Mount Thielsen dining room at the Diamond Lake Resort. Dobson will begin a sideshow presentation at 9 p.m. Afterward, participants will move outside to view the full moon with their telescopes.

– By DD Bixby

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