Crater Lake to reduce fire hazards – July 02, 2004

Crater Lake to reduce fire hazards

Herald and News

Klamath Falls, Oregon
July 02, 2004
Fire management staff at Crater Lake National Park are launching a hazardous fuels reduction project on 270 acres in and around Mazama Village near the park’s south entrance.
Park officials said the program will protect visitor safety by reducing the risk of catastrophic wildland fire. The project is part of the National Fire Plan to reduce the threat of wildland-urban interface fires on or adjacent to federally managed lands.

“With a combination of visitor services facilities, high visitor use, and a buildup of fuels from nearly a century of fire suppression, Mazama Village is at significant risk of high intensity crown fires,” said park spokeswoman Nina Ferrante.
If a fire should occur, Ferrante said evacuation of the area would be difficult because of limited access and egress routes. The project will involve selective thinning of trees 8 inches in diameter and smaller. The work will be done by crews using chain saws. Debris from the thinning will be hand piled for burning late this fall.

To allow the piles of thinned trees to dry thoroughly before burning, park visitors are asked to not disturb them or use the contents for firewood.

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