WebCam now available to view Crater Lake fire – September 7, 2006

WebCam now available to view Crater Lake fire

NPS Digest

Dept. of the Interior
National Park Service
Crater Lake National Park
September 7, 2006
There is a new tool being used to monitor fire at Crater Lake National Park on the Bybee Wildland Fire Use Complex. A webcam was recently installed at the Watchman Lookout, providing a prime view of the fire and an updated image once per hour from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. PDT. Park and fire managers chose to install the webcam to provide visual information to park management as well as to interested individuals in surrounding communities.


The webcam, updated hourly, is located at


A slide show with fire images over the previous 24 hours is located at and metadata regarding the images is at
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Contact Information
Name: Dick Bahr
Phone Number: 208-387-5217

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