Crater Lake science and learning center opens – August 28, 2006

Crater Lake science and learning center opens


Roseburg, Oregon
August 28, 2006

CRATER LAKE: A new facility at Crater Lake National Park opened Friday to provide additional research and educational opportunities to promote stewardship, appreciation and cultural heritage of the park.

Park management will focus the center toward regional education programs, interpretive programs and planning.

The National Park Service now has 17 Science and Learning Centers. The Crater Lake facility is an addition to the Park Service’s vision 32-center network.

The facilities include two newly renovated historic structures — the former superintendent’s and chief naturalist’s residences.

The former superintendent’s residence is one of 50 structures in the National Park system that are designated as National Historic Landmarks. The renovation maintains the Park Service’s traditional 1930s, rustic-style architecture. Office space, a reference library and meeting and conference rooms are located in the building.

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