Garfield Peak trail guide
Herald and News
Klamath Falls, Oregon
August 28, 2008
The Crater Lake Institute has a “Garfield Peak Trail Guide: A Visual Field Guide and Trail Companion to one of Crater Lake’s Best Hikes.” The guide is useful in helping to identify the flowers, plants, trees, birds, scats, tracks and wildlife that might be seen along the 1.7-mile long one-way trail.

Another helpful aid is “Plants and Animals of Crater Lake National Park: An Introduction to Familiar Species,” a pocket naturalist guide. It can be used along any of the park trails and features detailed drawings of such mammals as golden-mantled ground squirrels and American pikes plus birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, wildflowers, trees and lichens.
For information visit the visitor contact stations staffed by park rangers and Crater Lake Natural History Association employees at park headquarters in Munson Valley or at Rim Village.
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