Cultural History

top photo by Lloyd Smithcover-1

Smith Brothers History, Photos and Posters and a horse named Duke
A major resource and why this website was developed in the first place – most of this material is unavailable anywhere else. Includes the Smith Brothers Chronological History of Crater Lake

 Park Structures and Places
Reports, studies, historical overviews and more.
People and The National Park Service at Crater Lake
how it came to be, when and why – and the people who made it happen.

Ben Truwe, Southern Oregon Historical Society history of the Crater Lake Highway
Ford at Union Creek prior to construction at first Crater Lake Highway (construction started 1911) Parkhurst photo

klamNative Americans at Crater Lake
The complex culture of the first visitors and residents of Crater Lake and surrounding areas

The Diary of Fletcher Lynn: Visit to Crater Lake, August 1889 in which a group of intrepid travelers journey to Crater Lake, eat, make music, play games – and try to shoot everything they see.

September, October Southern Oregon Historical Society publication about Arant and Steel – Crater Lake Rumble

(entire publication, other stories included.

Early Crater Lake Motorist Brochures, starting with 1933

Early General Information Brochures from the National Park Service
General Information 1912

The Eidson Family Goes to Crater Lake

Read the personal story of visitors at Crater Lake in 1953 and 1964.

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