Diary of Fletcher Linn
Crater Lake Trip, August 1889
Sunday, Aug. 11
Arose rather late, and had breakfast at 9.
After breakfast, a general clean-up of persons was indulged in-the men retiring to the lake to take a bath, while the ladies held possession of camp.
Everett further proved his skill in all things by efficient manner in which he manipulated the razor, while [“Cap”] not wishing to be outdone, skillfully managed the curling iron for the ladies.
A prohibitory law was established and enforced by Miss Carrie Beekman, who had previously been formally designated president of the party, forbidding hunting, shooting, traveling, or anything not agreeable to the proper observance of the Sabbath, or which would seem in the least Disrespectful to Him who affords us our pleasure.
Soon the ladies presented themselves arrayed in attire fit for any occasion, even the most exalted, while the men came forth in the best they carried with them. All having congregated the third and fourteenth chapters of John, the fifth chapter of James, and the last chapter of Revelation were read by Miss. President, and “Sweet By and By”, “Home, Sweet Home”; “Nearer My God to Thee”, “Just As I Am”, and other hymns were sung by the party to the accompaniment of the cornet.
A fine dinner was then prepared, with huckleberry pie for dessert.
This afternoon was spent quite pleasantly in singing, playing musical instruments, talking, joking, etc.
At six o’clock we took the musical instruments and all went for a stroll along the beach. Visited a camp of “old pioneers”, about a mile from our camp, and stayed until eight, about two hours. Played and sang for them, and spent the evening quite pleasantly with them.
Returned to camp and had lunch consisting of bread and butter, cheese, stewed huckleberries and cake, and amused ourselves around our own huge camp-fire.
Then having spent the Sabbath in the mountains in a civilized and quite praiseworthy manner, we retired at about 10:30.
Everett suspecting something wrong in the actions of Carrie, Nina, and Kubli, retired dressed and with shoes ready for emergency during the night.
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