Historic Resource Study, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, 1984
VIII. Roads of Crater Lake National Park
B. Entrance Road and Bridges
3. First Cars Reach the Lake
Another transportation milestone occurred at Crater Lake about 1906 when J.O. Shiveley became the first auto passenger to visit the park. Arriving in a two-cylinder vehicle, he and the car s owner labored over a road constructed primarily for slow-moving wagons and horses. Successfully negotiating deep ruts, dust, rock, and narrow passageways, the car was pulled over difficult grades by horses, which were led when the car was functioning properly. It was another year before an automobile (operated by Charles True of Medford) drove under its own power all the way to the rim. [14]
Illustration 15. Close-up view of road to Crater Lake. Car is crossing log bridge over Annie Creek. Courtesy Southern Oregon Historical Society.
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