Brian Smith Photos and Video

Brian’s background: “I grew up at Crater Lake.  My father [Larry Smith] was a park ranger at CLNP for over 20 years and is one of the founding members of CLI.  I lived up at Crater Lake for 14 summers as a kid, and explored every nook and cranny in the park.  I began riding my BMX bike around the lake at age 10 to go fishing.  I have also skied around the lake 3 times, going both directions.  Sometimes alone, sometimes with my cousins.  I took some video for CLI in 2010 of one of my ski trips around the lake.

In addition to Crater Lake, I also worked two summers at Mt. Rainier as a park ranger in 1988 and 1989.  I have climbed the mountain many times in spring, summer, fall and winter with 11 summits (three in the winter and two of those first ascents on the year).  I spent much time roaming the NE side of the park (Sunrise area) in those years.

I went on to climb most of the Cascade peaks in both summer and winter.

Later I went on to reach the summit of Mt. Everest in 2007.”

In March of 2010, Brian Skied Around Crater Lake – a 15 minute compilation video.

[below are photos of January 2016 Union Peak summit climb]

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