Park regulation, “Dogs and cats prohibited from staying overnight in Park, unless special authorization has been received from the Superintendent.” New law didn’t apply to people staying in the Lodge or cabins.
Mr. Wilson buys 140 acres at the South Boundary of the Park and builds “Wilson’s Cabins”. At the time of the purchase, one building existed. This former dance hall is now the store building. It was from this site that illegal liquor had been furnished until a brawl following a dance shut the operation down. (Story from Mr. Wilson)
Guided camera trips initiated. Paul Herron reports seeing a 31 inch trout caught off Phantom Ship using a steel line.
New rock comfort station completed between the Community Building and the Cafeteria Building.
July 1 – Sept. 30
John Doerr and Wayne Kartcher, chart the movements of the Old Man of The Lake for three months. The old, upright floating log stayed mostly in the north bay of the Lake and based on 84 observation, traveled a total of 67 miles. The Old Man averaged 0.67 miles per day and with the greatest distance in one day being charted at 3.8 miles.
October 21
Fatal heart attack.
October 23
Road laborer killed on the job after being hit by blasted rock.
The Fort Klamath to Crater Lake ski marathon race is discontinued until 1978.
Winter 1938 – 1939
Least precipitation ever recorded – 43.03 inches.
Season Visitation: 190,699