Commissioned by the Crater Lake Institute and painted by Larry Eifert in 2013, this dramatic painting shows the fire-devastated forests around the Midway Geyser Basin and Prismatic Hot Spring.
Climate Change in YellowstoneShown in summer with flowers and high water levels in spring. | |
lodgepole pine forest in Midway Geyser Basin overlooking the hot spring.shown as a burned stand, but also live trees with beetle infestations. Stark ghost trees, downed trees, with young lodgepole sprouts coming up around them. Show closeup detail of mtn pine beetle engravings under the bark. | |
Grand Prismatic Hot Spring | Warmer temps mean less summer ground water probably mean all thermal features are at risk. |
bison | Risk less good summer browse due to early summer drying. |
elk | Declining birth rates due to lower summer moisture for forage |
grizzly bear | On the endangered list again |
Gray wolf | |
black bear | |
bobcat | |
red squirrel | |
American marten | In tree |
snowshoe hare | Show as prey species for bobcat |
least chipmunk | |
golden-mantled ground squirrel | |
deer mouse | |
silver-haired bat | Roosts in trees. |
garter snake | |
dusky grouse | |
northern saw-whet owl | |
great-horned owl | |
Lewis’s woodpecker (likes flycatching) | Show all woodpeckers tearing at trees to get beetles. |
red-naped sapsucker | See above |
downy woodpecker | See above |
3-toed woodpecker | See above |
Northern flicker | See above |
raven | |
Steller’s jay | |
mountain chickadee | May temporarily benefit from more insects and tree holes, but few conifer seeds. |
red-breasted nuthatch | |
Chipping Sparrow | |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |
White-crowned Sparrow | |
Dark-eyed Junco | |
Red-tailed hawk | |
fireweed | |
Aster species | |
Columbia needlegrass Achnatherum nelsonii and some others like pinegrass Calamagrostis rubenscens | |
bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | |
snowbrush ceanothus Ceanothus velutinus | |
creeping Oregon grape Mahonia repens | |
birch leaf spiraea Spiraea betulifolia | |
dwarf huckleberry Vaccinium caespitosum | |
currant Ribes species | |
yarrow | |
Indian pipe | |
Pinedrops Pterospora andromedea | |
coralroot orchid Corallorhiza spp. |
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