Title (front): Crater Lake National Park, Oregon (top, center) Llao CLiff (bottom center) Postmark: None, unmailed Stamp: “Place one cent stamp here” box Post Card Era: Linen Description Back caption: The encircling lava walls, jagged and exquisitely colored, tower 2000 feet above the lake, itself 2000 feet deep, and is one of the deepest and by far the bluest water lake in the world. The face of Llao Rock is the highest vertical surface on the Rim, being 1997 feet above the surface and 8046 feet above sea level. Crater Lake is six miles long and four half miles wide. Vertical Divider Text (back): “C.T. ART-COLORTONE” REG. U.S.PAT.OFF.–WESLEY ANDREWS CO., PORTLAND, ORE. Card Number(s): 871 (front upper left corner), 7A-H982 (bottom right corner)