39-2 Special Number 1 – 1951

Continuation of Special Number 1 – 1951

Report on the Trapping and Marking of Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels at Crater Lake National Park, 1939

By Ralph R. Huestis

During the 1939 season 95 ground squirrels and 4 Allen chipmunks were taken in live traps in the rim area. Ninety squirrels were released (many squirrels were retaken and released several times) and 5 squirrels were kept captive for observation of their winter behavior. The data that might be expected to accrue from this procedure are:

The age distribution and sex ratio.
The population density in the area examined
The winter survival rate.
The foraging area of individual squirrels.
The special distribution of young of the year after they leave the mother’s burrow.

Although the returns from this project are for the most part purely ecological there is the possibility of some practical utility should the squirrels, as has happened elsewhere, become infected with some communicable disease which would require their elimination from a give area. A proof that they are not migratory would greatly simplify the eliminative procedure.


Squirrels were taken in wire box traps obtained from the National Live Trap Co., Tomahawk, Wisconsin, and rewired to hold squirrels. They were marked by cutting hind toes for numbers 1 to 10 (toes cut in order from left to right), and by cutting front toes in order from left to right for 10 to 20, etc. Correspondence on the subject had elicited the information that ear tagging with metal tags is unsatisfactory because the tags come out. Cut toes were disinfected with 70% alcohol and did not appear to cause the squirrels any considerable inconvenience although some swelling of the cut digit could be observed and squirrels occasionally were noted to be favoring the foot in question for a day or so after the operation. However since many squirrels were seen foraging as usual within an hour after release and as no squirrel was retaken with an obviously infected foot the method seems to have been a good one.

The data are presented in tabular form.

No. Sex Trapping
Place Other Data
1. M July 21 East side Information Building Tail had been broken and healed again.
July 26 East side Information Building
July 27 Rim wall just east Information Building Large male with rich color.
July 29 Front platform Information Building Filling up burrow entrance between stones using excavated earth and rock on top.
August 15 East side Information Building
August 16 East side Information Building Taking dry grass down burrow under wood pile.
August 21 Information Building platform
August 23 Rim wall in front of Information Building
2. F July 25 East side Information Building Lactating. Scolded in trap, didn’t struggle to get out.
July 27 East side Information Building
August 1 East side Information Building With young squirrels.
August 2 Rim wall in front of Information Building Mooching peanuts.
August 11 Front door Information Building Fed.
August 15 East side Information Building Now very fat, has lost end of tail.
August 15 West side Information Building This squirrel’s burrow near #1 above on east side Information Building but with entrance on west side also. #1 has entrances on east and south.
August 15 East side Information Building
August 17 Front platform Information Building
August 21 Rim wall front Information Building
3. F July 25 Head of Sinnott ramp Lactating.
4. F July 27 Rim wall 50 feet east Information Building Lactating.
5. M July 27 Shrub bed on Information Building walk south Large male. Aggressive.
August 15 Shrub bed southeast Information Building 150 feet
6. F July 27 1st bay in Rim wall east, Information Building Lactating. Hole in ear.
7. M July 27 Bed with crooked hemlock just southeast Information Building Young (unweaned?)
August 24 Bed west Information Building (1st west)
8. M July 27 Bed southwest Information Building in line with Community House Young.
9. M August 1 East side Information Building Son of #2? Young. (with #10)
August 7 East side Information Building Alone.
August 7 West side Information Building
August 11 East side Information Building
10. M August 1 East side Information Building with #9 Young of year.
August 15 Bed with crooked hemlock southeast Information Building
August 24 2nd bed east Information Building
11. M August 1 East side Information Building Young. Brother of #9 and #10?
12. M August 2 Bed 150 feet southeast Information Building Young. Aggressive.
13. F August 2 Bed 150 feet southeast Information Building Sister of 12? Young.
14. M August 2 Rim wall 50 feet east Information Building Large male. Aggressive.
15. F August 2 Bed with crooked hemlock Lactating mother of 12, 13?
16. F August 2 East side Information Building Young and noisy Sister of 9, 10?
August 11 Bed south Information Building at highway Noisy.
August 15 Bed south Information Building at highway Noisy.
August 15 Bed southwest Information Building in line with Community House
17. F August 2 Bed with crooked hemlock Lactating. Possible mother 12, 19?
18. M August 2 East side Information Building Large. Foraging in #l’s territory
August 22 Behind Sinnott sign at ramp Husky. Not very fat.
19. M August 2 Bed with crooked hemlock Young. Brother of #12, 13?
20. F August 2 Rim wall 100 feet east Information Building Large. Not lactating. Sterile female?
21. M August 2 Rim wall 100 feet west Information Building Old male.
August 11 At Sinnott sign
August 22 Rim wall 150 feet west Information Building
22. F August 2 Behind Sinnott sign at ramp Young.
August 22 Below wall along Sinnott ramp
23. F August 2 Bed opposite drinking fountain head of Sinnott ramp Young.
August 7 West side Information Building
24. M August 7 Behind Sinnott sign Young.
25. M August 7 West side Information Building Young. Playing with other young.
26. M August 7 East side Information Building Young sibling #3 and 10?
August 11 East side Information Building
August 15 South Information Building in bed at road
27. M August 7 Bed near fountain Old.
August 13 Sinnott ramp Mooching.
August 22 Sinnott ramp
August 23 Rim wall at fountain Mooching.
28. M August 7 West side Information Building Young, sibling of #25?
August 11 South Information Building at road
29. M August 9 Bed south Information Building at road
30. M August 9 Bed south Information Building at road Young of year.
31. F August 9 East side Information Building Yearling or well advanced young of year. Had not been lactating.
August 22 Sinnott ramp Mooching.
32. F August 11 Behind Sinnott sign Had been lactating. Adult.
33. F August 11 Bed south Information Building at road Young.
34. M August 11 Bed at drinking fountain Young.
August 22 Behind Sinnott sign Very rich brown. Even “white” stripes are brown.
August 23 Mooching at fountain
35. F August 11 Bed south Information Building at road Young
August 24 Rim wall 50 feet east Information Building
36. F August 11 Bed at drinking fountain Young.
August 22 Behind Sinnott sign
37. F August 14 Campground west Ranger’s tent Had been lactating. Adult
38. F August 14 Campground west small comfort station. Young
39. F August 14 Campground south comfort station. Large. Had been lactating.
August 21 At Ranger’s tent
40. M August 14 On stump near tent Medium sized. Yearling?
41. F August 15 Bed east Information Building at Rim Old and fat.
42. F August 15 Bed southwest Information Building in line with Community House Young and small.
43. —– ——— Missed number.
44. F August 22 Below Sinnott sign Young and noisy. Red-toned pelage.
August 24 Below Sinnott ramp near sign
45. M August 22 Behind Sinnott sign Young.
September 7 Behind Sinnott sign Well grown at this date.
46. F August 22 Sinnott ramp 1/2 way down Young.
September 7 Behind Sinnott sign
47. F August 22 Below Sinnott Large and very fat.
48. M August 22 At Sinnott Memorial (south wall) Adult with white belly spot.
49. M August 22 Below ramp near Memorial Well grown young or yearling.
50. F August 22 Below ramp near sign Young.
51. F August 22 Tree just south Sinnott Memorial Adult.
52. F August 23 Rim 30 feet east Information Building Adult.
August 24 Rim 30 feet east Information Building
53. M August 22 Bay just west Lodge Very target Released at Information Building.
54. F August 24 Bay just west of Lodge Very large and fat.
55. F August 24 Rim 300 feet east Information Recently lactating Not fat. Pale pelage.
56. F August 24 Rim 200 feet east Information Building Young.
57. August 24 Rim 200 feet east Information Building Escaped. Was not sexed.
58. F August 24 Bay no 1 west Information Building Adult. Wounds on chest and throat.
September 7 Bay no 1 west Information Building Throat largely healed at this date.
59. M September 6 Boat Landing Adult. Bobtail.
60. F September 3 Boat Landing Adult
September 7 Boat Landing Adult
61. F September 6 Boat Landing Young.
62. F September 6 Boat Landing Young
September 7 Boat Landing
63. M September 6 Boat Landing Adult.
64. F September 6 Boat Landing Adult.
65. M September 7 Boat Landing Young.
66. M September 7 Boat Landing Adult. Fat.
67. M September 7 Boat Landing Adult.
68. F September 7 Boat Landing Adult.
69. M September 7 Boat Landing Adult
70. F September 7 Boat Landing Adult Large
71. F September 7 Boat Landing Adult
72. M September 7 Behind Sinnott sign Young and rather small. White spot on ventral surface.
73. M September 7 Rim opposite Community House Adult.
74. M September 7 Rim opposite Community House Adult. Fat.
75. M September 7 Rim opposite Community House 50 feet west of 74 Adult. Fat.
76. M September 7 Rim 300 feet east Information Building Adult seen at same place in half an hour.
77. F September 7 Bay just west of Lodge Adult.
78. F September 7 Bay just west of Lodge Adult.
79. M September 7 2nd bay east Information Building Young.
80. M September 20 Information Building back door Young and recently emerged.
81. M September 22 Head of Lake Trail Liberated at Information Building. Adult
82. M September 22 Head of Lake Trail Liberated at Information Building
83. F September 22 Head of Lake Trail Taken back to head of lake trail.
84. M September 23 Head of Lake Trail Taken back to head of lake trail.
85. M September 23 Head of Lake Trail Liberated at Information Building. Adult and fat.
86. F September 23 Head of Lake Trail Taken back to head of lake trail.
87. M September 23 Liberated at Information Building. Still there 2 hours later. Very large adult.
88. F September 23 Head of Lake Trail Taken back to head of lake trail.
89. F September 23 Head of Lake Trail Taken back to head of lake trail.
90. M September 23 Head of Lake Trail Liberated at Information Building. Adult. Fat.
91. M September 23 Head of Lake Trail Liberated at Information Building. Adult. Left ear notched.



Age and sex of trapped squirrels

females males total number per cent males
Adult squirrels 29 26 55  47
Young squirrels 15 19 34 127
Total 44 45 89 102

Reproduction in terms of the season as determined by lactation of adult females

July 21-August 7 August 8-22 August 23-Sept. 8 September 9-15
Lactating 6 2  1
Not lactating 2 4 10 4

Number of times squirrels were retaken

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Adults 44 8 1 1 1 1
Young 20 9 3 2


  1. Seventy-three squirrels were trapped between the Crater Wall Trail and the Lodge in a strip of territory about 150 feet broad. This represents a very dense population.
  2. Squirrels do not, in a season, move around much. They may repeatedly be taken in the same territory, rarely are found more than 100 feet away from it.
  3. The sexes are equal in number in the population; an excess of young males balances an excess of old females. This is the situation to be found in other rodent populations such as the deer mouse.
  4. All young squirrels taken in the vicinity of a mother’s burrow were found to have traveled only a short distance away after weaning. This is a tentative inference and awaits further trapping data.
  5. Young are born during the months of June, July, and August and emerge from the mother’s burrow during July, August, and September. At the Rim Area in 1939, the first newly emerged young were seen July 15th and the last September 20th. A lactating female was taken as late as August 24th. In 1938 the first young were noted in the Rim Area on July 31st and the last on September 15th. This seems to suggest that occasionally a mother may have a second brood.

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