The following list is made up of flowers not included in any of the foregoing, plants found in outlying sections not often seen by visitors. They are more common on the west slope of the Cascades, especially in the deep glacial valley of Redblanket Creek which at the southwest corner of the park drops to about 3700 feet altitude. This provides a gateway for the entrance of many west coast plants. A few of these plants reach the east side via the Klamath Gap, reaching the park up Annie and Sun Creeks.
Fairy bells | Disporum oregonum (S. Wats.) Benth. & Hook. |
Twisted-stalk | Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. |
Wake-robin | Trillium ovatum Pursh |
Ookow | Brodiaea pulchella (Salisb.) Greene |
White brodiae | Brodiaea hyacinthina (Lindl.) Baker |
Cat-ear | Calochortus elagans Pursh |
Large camas | Camassia leichtlinii (Baker) Wats. |
Klamath lambstongue | Erythronium klamathense Applegate |
Washington lily | Lilium washingtonianum Kell. |
California iris | Iris californica Leicht. |
Twayblade | Listera carina Piper |
Wood-anemone | Anemone deltoidea Hook. |
Drummond windflower | Anemone drummondii S. Wats. |
March marigold | Caltha biflora DC. |
Tall larkspur | Delphinium scopulorum glaucum Gray |
Deer-foot | Achlys triphylla (Smith) DC. |
Mountain oregon grape | Mahonia nervosa (Pursh) Nutt. |
Piper oregon grape | Mahonia piperiana Abrams |
Insideout | Vancouveria hexandra (Hook.) Merr. & Dec. |
Grass of Parnassus | Parnassia intermedia Rydb. |
Syringa | Philadelphus lewisii Pursh |
Ocean-spray | Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. |
Thimble-berry | Rubus parviflorus Nutt. |
Baker violet | Viola bakeri Greene |
Round-leaf violet | Viola orbiculata Geyer |
Clarkia | Clarkia rhomboiden Dougl. |
Canada dogwood | Cornus canadensis L. |
Nuttall dogwood | Cornus nuttallii (T. & G.) Coville |
Madrono | Arbutus menziesii Pursh |
Round-leaf pyrola | Pyrola rotundifolia incarnata DC. |
Star-flower | Trientalis europae latifolia Torr. |
Simple gentian | Gentiana simplex |
Mazama collomia | Collomia mazama |
Western jacobs ladder | Polemonium occidentale Greene |
Narrow-leaf phacelia | Phacelia linearis (Pursh) Holzinger |
McBride lungwort | Mertensia paniculata subcordata (Greene) |
Narrow-leaf skullcap | Scutellaria angustifolia Pursh. |
Scouler bellflower | Campanula scouleri Hook. |
Blue bellflower | Campanula prenanthoides Dur. |
Alice fleabane | Erigeron aliceae Howell |
Goldenrod | Solidago elongata |
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