Bruce W. Black

Were those parties held….

Mostly at our house.

Barbara: We invited the neighbors because they sometimes wondered what all the racket was about.

It was when I was there, too, that we installed the lake level recorder down at Cleetwood Cove. That was at the instigation of people involved in U.S. Geological Survey, people out of Medford. It was in cooperation with them. They maintained the recorder but the park installed it (8). And that was quite a project.

The original ones were on the south side of the lake, on the old lake trail.

On the rocks. This is a recorder sitting out there at Cleetwood Cove, and maintenance employee Dick Skivington was the one that learned how to do scuba diving so that he could help get in installed on that rock. I remember Jeff Adams said it would never last because the weather could get very rough on the lake.

How did you evaluate the seasonal naturalist?

I think that was one place I feel like I had put a lot of effort into evaluations and having close-outs before anybody would leave the park. I spent about an hour, sometimes, with my assistant, sometimes not, going over their performance. And sometimes doing that on a lesser scale during the season, too, giving them a chance to say what they want to say. I believe that the evaluations were a meaningful experience for the seasonals and the permanent employees, too. I put a lot into it. And I would say evaluations are one of the hardest jobs that any supervisor is ever called upon to do. If they are done well, they are useful. If they are not, why, they almost might as well not be done.