I know you’d mentioned earlier that you had done a background in archeology at Joshua Tree. Were there any emphasis on cultural resources at Crater Lake?
There were programs on the early history of Crater Lake National Park given at the amphitheaters. And the Indians..we didn’t have any archeological sites to my knowledge. I did try to get something started at one time on an archeological inventory, and I don’t remember whether that actually happened or not. Archeology at Crater Lake was certainly pretty well hidden.
I asked that question about Cressman being around. His work, however, was generally outside of the park.
I remember the name.
Fort Rock Sandal…
That work was done before I was at Crater Lake, but it was emphasized in the programs. There was very little in the collection. I remember my son found a projectile point on top of Union Peak once.
What work did you do in the park’s museum collection?
I remember working up the collection catalogs and encouraging that work, and assigning seasonals to do some of it, too. And assistant naturalists. I guess, how much of that got accomplished is something you can see by going through the collections. David Huntzinger was one of the seasonals that contributed quite a bit of the insect collection. That’s the David Huntzinger that has a brother Hugo Huntzinger, who was at one time superintendent of, I believe, Haliakila. We had a couple of fire control aides, Doug and Dave Morris. One of them was superintendent of Katmai, while the other was at Grand Canyon (11).