Gary and Joyce (Cone) Hill, 1963-1964

Crater Lake National Park Centennial Oral Histories

Gary and Joyce (Cone) Hill, 1963-1964

May husband (Gary Hill) and I met a Crater Lake during the summer of 1963. I worked in the office behind the main lodge registration desk. I (Joyce Cone Hill) counted the money from all the gift shops, cafeteria, etc. I spent most of my day rolling coins. Many slipped off the counter and fell through the cracks of the floor. I wonder who eventually found them if they ever did! I also worked there the summer of 1964 as did Gary Hill.

Gary Hill was a bellhop in 1963 and head bellhop in 1964. He made very good money in tips compared to the regular pay the rest of us got. We married Dec. 26, 1965.

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