Jon Price

Crater Lake National Park Centennial Oral Histories

Jon Price

Jon Price

What was not mentioned was the Crater Lake Lodge Staff was “drafted” to help control and mop-up two fires within the Crater Lake Boundary. First at the Union Peak vicinity and the second at Boundary Springs vicinity to the North.

Boats were still in operation as well as everything else up on the rim when we were “requested” to help. Paul Herron, Sean Woods, Jim Speed and myself were “volunteered”. Paul was head of maintenance and boats, Sean and Jim were boat operators and preachers, and myself as boat helper.

Jon-Price-paul-herron Jon-Price-jim-speed Jon-Price-sean-woods
Paul Herron Jim Speed Sean Woods

We mainstreamed with Park Service Personnel on the Union Peak fire. I recall steep terrain and dense smoke. One of the Lead Firefighters had to “bury” my head in the dirt to facilitate breathing. That is all I remember. On the Boundary Springs mop-up, the four of us left the North Entrance road at the Check Station and headed West. Can’t recall how far, however over the years the distance grows. Nevertheless this one was a mop-up operation and was finished at dusk. Out trip back to the highway was in the dark with flashlights and came out past the junction to Diamond Lake. There was a bright moon that helped our exit. We hitched a ride back to the Lodge and that ended my career as a Firefighter (Unskilled).

The boat and docks were stored on Wizard Island and after securing the main shoreline, closed up shop for 1955. I was a Junior in High School.

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