Reference Guide to the Crater Lake National Park Oral History Series
Consultants Interviewed
Adams, T.J. “Jeff’ Maintenance employee 1957-82, promoted to chief 1965, CLNHA board member 1959-89. Died 1999. Interviewed 5/12/89 at his residence in Klamath Falls. Notes only at his request. He and his wife Pearl donated items at the interview and at various times subsequently. Portrait in park photo file.
Allen, John Eliot. Seasonal naturalist at CRLA 1935, subsequently pursued field career in geology, then geology professor at Portland State University. Died 1996. Interviewed 9/24/91 at his office on the PSU campus. Taped interview along with notes. Donated a considerable amount of CRLA related file material and photos.
Arant, Howard. Seasonal laborer 1928-34. Died 1997. HA was the grandson of first park superintendent W.F. Arant. Interviewed on tape 11/30/88 at his residence in Medford, notes only for previous conversation with him and wife Lu 8/23/88. Loaned a number of photos for copying. Slide taken of him at time of interview.
Armentrout, Herbert. Biological technician 1935-36, seasonal park ranger 1937-40. Interviewed by John Morrison 8/4/87 at his residence in Clackamas. Taped interview. No response to letter sent with transcription in 1997.
Arthur, Ted E. Seasonal naturalist 1958-70. Interviewed on tape 9/1/92 at Diamond Lake, where he was working as an interpreter. Donated several photos and documents subsequently. Slide taken of him when visiting CRLA in 1993; he is in several photos taken of naturalists during the 1960s that are in the photo file.
Benton, Robert E. “Bob” Superintendent 1984-91. Interviewed on tape via four telephone conversations, 3/94. Some notes from the interview and photos in file, other file correspondence dates from the period while he was superintendent.
Black, Bruce W. Chief Park Naturalist 1959-63. Interviewed on tape 9/27/88 at his residence in Corvallis along with wife Barbara, some additional notes and correspondence in file. Slide taken of him and Mrs. Black at time of interview, also portrait in the photo file.
Blanchfield, Emmett U. Forestry technician 1930, ranger-naturalist 193 1; later became landscape architect for the U.S. Forest Service and California State Parks. Interviewed 3/7/95 at his residence in Sacramento, additional notes and correspondence in file along with manuscript concerning his work at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood. Donated a number of photos taken at CRLA in 193 1. Slide taken of him at the time of interview.
Brown, Richard M. “Dick” and Ann. RMB was assistant naturalist 1952-60, chief park naturalist 1963-66, research biologist 1968-70; died 1998. Both interviewed on tape 9/15/88 at their residence in Novato, California. Interview notes and related correspondence in file, along with unreleased transcript and several photos. Donated several items at time of the interview.
Carstens, Clarita “Rita” Seasonal switchboard operator, 1949-52. Letter with photos to John Morrison, 8/4/87.
Cherry, Allen B. Among first divers in Crater Lake, 1956. Notes taken during interview at Rim Village, 8/26/96. Donated several photographs and numerous color photocopies in file, which also includes newspaper articles and correspondence.
Constance, Lincoln. Ranger-naturalist 193 1-32. Notes taken during telephone interview, 711 8/91. Some correspondence related to the interview and his reprinted contribution to Nature Notes from Crater Lake in file.
Cressman, Luther S. Noted archeologist who collaborated with studies related to CRLA, making discovery of sandals at Fort Rock Cave in 1937. Taped interview at his residence in Eugene, 101219 1. Died 1994 before signing release. Field notes from interview (assisted by L.C. Merriam, Jr.), several photos, and some publications in file. Slide taken at time of interview. Several of his publications are in the park library.
Dion, Carl R. Visitor 193 1, 1936, associated with early environmentalists. Written responses to interview questions 1016189, notes taken at follow up interview in Medford 10113189. Died 1993. Considerable correspondence and copies of documents related to forestry and other topics in files.
Donati, William F. ”Bill” District park ranger 1967-70. Notes taken during an interview held in his office at REDW headquarters in Crescent City on 4/1/91. This was done in conjunction with interviewing Donald M. Spalding at Trinidad, California, 4/1/91. Donati and Spalding are pictured in slides taken at Trinidad.
Doyle, William E. “Bill” Ranger-naturalist 1959-60, 1 962. Notes taken during a brief conversation with him at Rim Village, 611 1/96. Photos of him conducting boat tours in the photo file and as part of an exhibit at Crater Lake Lodge.
Dunn, Barbara. Concession employee, 1937. Notes taken during a telephone conversation with her on 7/23/99.
Espey, Larry V. Engineering aide 1928-33. Died 1993. Notes taken in lieu of failed attempt at taped interview held at Park Headquarters 8/2/90. File includes a draft transcript of a 1986 interview conducted by Pat Erigero and a completed transcript of an interview about CCC work, conservation work, and state parks by Elisabeth Potter 1/21/88. Some background information about LVE is also included in the file by way of news articles and correspondence.
Fitzgerald, Duane “Dewey” Park ranger 1946-50, concession boat manager 195 1. Notes taken from a conversation at Park Headquarters, 7/2/96.
Foiles, Otis W. “Pete” Park ranger 1939-42. Taped interview by John Morrison, 8/4/87.
Foster, Robert S. ”Bob” Concession employee (boat crew) 1925-27. Notes taken at interview held at Park Headquarters, 6/14/88. Donated several photos a few days after the interview.
France, Alvord H. Telecommunications officer 1953-56. Notes from brief conversation at Park Headquarters, 7130192.
Fritz, Paul. Landscape architect, 1963-65. Died 2000. Notes from two conversations held at Orick, California, and at Park Headquarters, 6/28/89 and 7/2/89. File includes extensive correspondence concerning establishing new park units and expanding existing ones.
Frost, Hazel. Wife of park ranger W.T. “Jack” Frost, who served at CRLA 1936-43. Taped interview by John Morrison, 8/3/87.
Fry, George W. Park ranger 1936-38. Died 1999. Letter in reply to oral history questions, n.d. [1989]. File includes correspondence and chapter on CRLA from his autobiography.
Hackert, Albert and Heckert, Otto. Seasonal maintenance employees 1922-24. Taped interview with brothers at their residence in Jacksonville, 1013 1/91. Hackert and Heckert are pictured in slides taken immediately after the interview.
Happell, Glen F. Concession employee (chief of maintenance) 1955-82. Died 1998. Notes from telephone interview, 12/2/97.
Hasler, Arthur. Ranger-naturalist 1937, later a noted fisheries biologist at the University of Wisconsin. Notes from brief telephone conversation, 7/29/93. Hasler file includes reprints of published articles, bibliography, interpretive program outline, and copy prints of photos with captions.
Hedgpeth, Hope. Visitor to CRLA beginning in 1906; granddaughter of Chauncey Nye. Died 1998. Notes from an interview given in conjunction with husband Dee at their residence in Prospect, 5/19/95.
Hedgpeth, Mabel. Park resident and intermittent employee 1930-43. Taped interview conducted by Royal Jackson at her residence in Central Point, 8/23/86 and 611 8/87. File includes correspondence and slide taken at time of interview.
Hescock, W.B. “Web” Heavy equipment operator 1950-7 1. Died 2000. Interviewed at his residence in Fort Klamath 4/16/92. Notes reviewed and approved by consultant. File includes print from slide of WH and wife Polly.
Hildreth, Harold. Seasonal park ranger 1928-29, trails foreman 1930. Notes from telephone interview, 61519 1. File includes one letter subsequent to the interview.
Hoffman, F. Owen. Seasonal naturalist 1966-68. Taped interview held at Park Headquarters, 8/25/98. File includes extensive correspondence (most by electronic mail), abstract of his masters thesis (on zooplankton of Crater Lake) and two manuscripts. Copy of thesis in the park library.
Hollenbeak, Jack. Seasonal park ranger 1933-37. Notes from interview conducted at his residence in Prospect, 6/21/95. Most of his career was spent on the RRNF; see interview by Jeff LaLande in “Recollections: People and Forest,” 1990.
Howe, Carrol B. CLNHA board member 1982-87. Died 1998. Taped interview conducted at his residence south of Klamath Falls, 1/23/92. Loaned photos for copying. File includes a limited amount of correspondence and a print from slide taken during the interview.
Howe, Wayne R. Park ranger 1946-50, acting regional director 1975. Taped interview at Park Headquarters with wife Jean, 9/1/88; notes from subsequent interview at his residence in Roseburg, 10128188. Loaned photos for copying and donated other items. File includes considerable correspondence and some news articles. Slide of him and JH taken during follow up interview.
Hudson, Charles F. Son of CCC camp commander, at CRLA 1933-34. Notes from brief conversation at Park Headquarters, 9/20/90.
Kaye, Glen F. Assistant naturalist 1963-67, centennial coordinator, Friends of Crater Lake 1998-present. Notes from a telephone interview, 1/22/93. Kaye’s file includes news articles and should be cross-referenced with CRLA centennial file with more extensive correspondence by electronic mail.
Keen, Ruth Hopson. Ranger-naturalist 1947, collaborator through Oregon State System of Higher Education 1948-49. Died 1998. Notes taken from an interview at her residence in Portland 2/9/93. File includes one of her articles, prints from a slide taken at the interview, and her comments about involvement in a conservation group.
Kezer, James L. Ranger-naturalist 195 1-52, noted cell biologist and emeritus professor at the University of Oregon. Taped interview conducted at his residence in Eugene 1 1/26/97. File includes correspondence, copies of articles, and photographs.
Kinner, Raymond L. Seasonal park ranger 195 1-55. Notes from a conversation at Park Headquarters 411 8/92.
Koehler, Gil. Seasonal laborer 1930-3 1. Notes from a conversation at Park Headquarters 9/2/94.
Lange, Francis G. Junior landscape architect 1929-3 1, resident landscape architect 1934-40. Died 1998. Taped interview by John Morrison 8/8/87 and by Steve Mark 9/13/88, both at his residence in Vacaville, California. File includes correspondence and documents, as well as notes from telephone conversations and visits at Park Headquarters 1988-94. FGL donated a number of photos to park collections; file contains some prints and photocopies of others. Slide of him taken at the 1988 interview, portrait [c. 19361 in park photo file.
Larson, Douglas W. Lirnnologist; worked intermittently on Crater Lake 1967-85, laid foundation for current lake monitoring program. Taped interview at his residence in Portland 2/14/00. File includes correspondence, copies of published articles, and donated slides. Copy of his Ph.D. thesis in the park library along with other research.
Lawrence, Joan. Daughter of ranger-naturalist W.J. Nee (1932-42). Notes from an interview at her residence in Eugene, 1130195. File includes correspondence about the loan of her father’s photographs.
Leavitt, Katherine S. “Kit” Wife of Superintendent E.P. Leavitt, at CRLA 1942-52. Died 1994. Notes from an interview held at her residence near Central Point, 21 1219 1. File includes correspondence, material relating to her husband, and most of a photocopied transcript of an interview she did for the Southern Oregon Historical Society in 1980. KSL loaned photos for copying at the time of this interview.
Lueck, Rudolph F. “Rudyn” Concession employee (lodge caretaker) 1929, temporary equipment operator and park ranger 1930-36. Died 1994. Notes from an interview at Park Headquarters 91519 1. File includes correspondence, news articles, and one photo. Portrait [c. 19361 in the park photo file.
Lunde, Ole and Estelle. OL served as a seasonal dispatcher 1967-74. EL died 2000. Notes from an interview held at their residence in Klamath Falls 7/1/94. Donated newspaper articles, pamphlets and memorabilia at time of interview.
Meola, Vivienne. Wife of landscape technician Ed Meola, at CRLA 1936-39. Taped interview conducted by John Morrison, 8/29/87.
Merriam, Lawrence C. (Jr.) Son of regional director Lawrence C. Merriam (1950-63) and grandson of research facilitator John C. Merriam (1928-43). Taped interview at his residence in Corvallis 11125-26/88. Notes from other conversations, all at his residence: 911 8/89, 1/19/90,2/9/90, and 411319 1. File includes copies of published articles, correspondence, and copy of Herb Evison’s (NPS) interview with his father. Several donations pertaining to his father and grandfather made to CRLA and other NPS units. Slide taken at the time of the taped interview. Copies of his administrative history of Oregon State Parks are in the park library.
Michael Elva 0. I & RM secretary 1970-75. Notes from a conversation at Park Headquarters 81719.
Nelson, Marvin L. Chief clerk, administrative officer 1953-69. Taped interview at his residence in Medford 1/12/00. File contains correspondence and notes. Portrait in park photo file.
Palmer, Robert “Bob” Seasonal maintenance employee 1931-37 (father Martin Palmer maintenance mechanic 1922-39). Died 1999. Notes from an interview at Park Headquarters and Rim Village 6/2/97; other notes from telephone conversation 4/14/97.
Presnall, Ruby. Temporary secretary 1927. Recollections in letter to Steve Mark 5/25/89.
Pruitt, Bob. Visitor starting in 1927. Notes from a telephone conversation 511 7/95. It and related correspondence are in the Hope Hedgpeth file.
Quackenbush, Earl. Visitor in 192 1. Notes from a telephone conversation 10126190.
Reed, Roy and Ina. RR’s father was a maintenance employee 1927-35. Notes from interview at their residence in Rocky Point 6130198.
Roach, A. Douglas and Sadie. ADR was storekeeper (warehouse) 1934-42. SR died 1997. Taped interview by John Morrison at their residence in Phoenix 8/25/87; notes from telephone interview of ADR by Steve Mark 2/23/94. File includes newspaper article. Portrait of ADR in park photo file.
Robinson, Donald M. and Dagmar. Don was assistant superintendent 1963-67. Notes from interview at Park Headquarters 8/15/93. Portrait in park photo file.
Rouse, James S. Superintendent 1978-83. Taped interview at his residence in Mount Vernon, Washington 911 8/97. File includes correspondence, notes from interview (assisted by Laurin Huffman), and photo. Portrait in park photo file.
Sadler, Russell. Concession employee 1965, subsequently became a political commentator and faculty member of Southern Oregon University. Taped interview at his residence in Eugene 211 1/92.
Salinas, John. Seasonal interpreter 1978-82, resource management seasonal 1983-85, contract lirnnologist 1988-present. Taped interview at Rogue Community College in Grants Pass 4/7/98. Report on Whitehorse Ponds in park library; several articles in Nature Notes. One of the principals in a repeat photography project funded by Crater Lake Natural History Association.
Schweiker, Ruth. Concession employee; daughter of concessioner RW. Price (1921-54). Notes from a telephone interview 6/7/95 in file for Price family. File also includes electronic mail correspondence with Jon Price (concession employee on boat crew 1954-59) who loaned a photo album for copying in 2000.
Sleznick, James and Gail. JR ranger-naturalist 1958-59; GS seasonal switchboard operator 1956, concession employee 1957-58 (father Raymond Rundell assistant superintendent 1954-59). Notes from telephone interview 4/9/97.
Smith, Larry B. Seasonal ranger 1961-85. Taped interview at his residence in Jacksonville 2110189. File contains newspaper articles, manuscripts, and correspondence. Much of the latter pertains to the Smith Brothers Chronological History of the park which he and his brother Lloyd have compiled or updated to the present. Slide of LBS taken at the time of interview.
Sneddon, Lee. Park ranger 1949-50. Notes from a telephone interview 11/12/91.
Spalding, Donald M. Superintendent 1967-70. Taped interview at his residence in Trinidad, California 41219 1. File contains copies of newspaper articles, personnel list, and notes from interview with Donati. Slide taken at time of interview.
Steinmacher, John W. Concession employee (Kiser Studio) 1 927. Recollections in letter to Steve Mark 7110196. Included in file for Fred Kiser.
Stemple, Emil J. CCC enrollee 1935-37. Notes from a conversation at Park Headquarters 813 1/95. Subsequently donated copies of “Reflections” from the 1930s.
Stevens, Robert E. “Bob” Seasonal fireguard and laborer 1944-50. Notes from a telephone conversation 811 719 1.
Styvers, Marie B. Switchboard operator 1947. Notes from an interview at Park Headquarters 5/17/90. Photocopies of snapshots attached.
Topel, Fred. Construction supervisor 1984-9 1, 1997-98. Died 2000. Notes from conversations at Park Headquarters 612 1188,6124188, and 411 819 1.
Varnum, Richard 0. “Dick” Equipment operator 1940-43, roads foreman 1946-65. Notes from an interview at his residence in Fort Klamath 7/6/89. Died 1994. File includes newspaper articles and correspondence, much it of pertaining to his inventions.
Wall, Earl. CCC enrollee 1934. Taped interview at his residence in Jacksonville 311 7/89. File includes biographical note by Larry Smith. Slide taken at time of interview.
Wallis, Orthello L. Ranger-naturalist 1947-48, subsequently NPS aquatic ecologist, regional chief scientist. Notes from an interview at his residence in San Rafael, California 3/2/92. File includes correspondence, copies of a published article, and photo taken at time of interview. Masters thesis on mammals of CRLA in the park library, as well as studies on trout. Donated his files on CRLA to the park collections.
White, John. Seasonal interpreter 1974-76, fire crew 1977-78. Notes from a telephone interview 31919 1.
Wilkinson, Ethel. Superintendent’s secretary 1927-47. Died 1996. Notes from an interview at her residence in Jacksonville 8/4/88.
Wood, Wendell. Frequent visitor since 1978 and representative of local environmental group (Oregon Natural Resources Council). Taped interview at his residence near Klamath Marsh 5/5/97. Interviewed in conjunction with a course requirement at Southern Oregon University. Transcript includes an introduction and 111 index. File contains notes, copies of newspaper articles, and a photo taken at the time of interview.
Other biographical files containing copies of full or partial interview transcripts: David Canfield, Superintendent 1934-37 (NPS-HFC); John Doerr, Chief Park Naturalist 1935-40 (NPS-HFC); Co-discoverers (next to J.W. Hillman files): John Ross, part of 1853 party (BL, UCB); Herbert Maier, NPS architect 1927-33 (NPS-HFC); Mere1 Sager, Landscape Architect 1928-33 WS-HFC); Alex Sparrow, Superintendent 19 17-23 (fiom daughter Frances Firth, SOHS); Thomas Vint, NPS landscape architect 1926-6 1 (NPS-HFC).
The park library includes copies of interviews conducted by the Regional Oral History Office at the University of California. The following touch on Crater Lake and related topics: Horace Albright and Newton B. Drury, Comments on Conservation; Harold C. Bryant and Dnuy, Development of the Naturalist Program; Ralph Works Chaney, Paleobotanist, Conservationist; Drury and Herbert Evison, The National Park Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps;and Loye Miller, The Interpretive Naturalist. Other volumes produced by ROHO may be added as the library budget allows.
Other pages in this section
- Oral Histories Reference Guide
- Reference Guide page 3
- Reference Guide page 4
- Reference Guide page 5
- Vic Affolter, 1962-1978
- Howard Aldace, 1958-1959
- Art and Bidge Altoefee, 1950’s
- Mary (Trumbell) Anderson
- Ted Arthur
- Loraine (Dolan) Bettencourt, 1941
- Murray “Sandy” Brown and Evelyn McKee Brown
- Judy (Jameson) Calhoun, 1968-1970
- Oral History Interview of Robert Utley (PDF file)
- Teresa Callahan
- Alice Marie Mason Campbell
- Nancy Edwards Closs, 1946
- Dode Collier, 1946-1947
- Sara Ernst, 1973
- Dick and Jean Finch, 1920-1940
- Otis “Pete” Foiles, 1939-1942
- Michele Fresella, 1978-1980
- Diane (McEwan) and Gary Van Gordon, 1974-1976
- Neal Guse
- Greg Hartell, 1957 +
- Diana (Jones) Hathaway, 1975-1976
- Marvin Hershey, 1962-1969
- Gary and Joyce (Cone) Hill, 1963-1964
- Judy Holmes, 1957
- Lois Huetten (Slessler), 1966
- Becky Hunt, 1973
- Einar Johnson, Superintendent 1970-1973
- Erik Johnson, 1970-1973
- Jan Johnson, 1970-1973
- Lisa Johnson, 1970-1973
- Martin Johnson, 1952-1953
- Pat (Crombie) Keith, 1956
- Bill and Teresa Kraegel, 1976-1980
- Milt Madden, 1959-1962
- Shirleen Madden, 1959-1963
- Lee Anne Martinez 1979 & 1980
- Jeanie (Paine) Mendoza, 1960’s
- Ken Miller, 1964-1965
- Pat Carroll Miller, 1959
- Marilyn Minchinton, 1955
- Tamara (Mills), Morey, 1976
- Rex Neiger and Carol Wilcoxon, 1955-1958
- Carol Broeren Nelson, 1952
- Dave Panebaker, 1970-1975
- Zelma Pool, 1954-1968
- Jon Price
- Jo Ann Schilling-Armstrong, 1970
- Karn Stiegelmeier, 1978-1981
- Lois (Wise) Soulia, 1947-1953
- Beverly Wilcoxon Romney
- Sue Sears Shroy, 1972-1973
- Gerald L. Severin, 1957
- Janet L. Smith, 1965
- Jan Smelter
- Barbara (La Prarie) Stone
- Hank Tanski, 1978-1988
- Jeanie Terjeson, 1942
- Jack Tice, 1950-1951
- C. Waldron, 1962
- Harold (Eli) Whitney, 1940-1941
- Norman Wild
- George H. Will, 1953-1956
- Thomas Young, 1964-1984
- Oral Histories Reference Guide
- Reference Guide page 3
- Reference Guide page 4
- Reference Guide page 5
- Vic Affolter, 1962-1978
- Howard Aldace, 1958-1959
- Art and Bidge Altoefee, 1950’s
- Mary (Trumbell) Anderson
- Ted Arthur
- Loraine (Dolan) Bettencourt, 1941
- Murray “Sandy” Brown and Evelyn McKee Brown
- Judy (Jameson) Calhoun, 1968-1970
- Oral History Interview of Robert Utley (PDF file)
- Teresa Callahan
- Alice Marie Mason Campbell
- Nancy Edwards Closs, 1946
- Dode Collier, 1946-1947
- Sara Ernst, 1973
- Dick and Jean Finch, 1920-1940
- Otis “Pete” Foiles, 1939-1942
- Michele Fresella, 1978-1980
- Diane (McEwan) and Gary Van Gordon, 1974-1976
- Neal Guse
- Greg Hartell, 1957 +
- Diana (Jones) Hathaway, 1975-1976
- Marvin Hershey, 1962-1969
- Gary and Joyce (Cone) Hill, 1963-1964
- Judy Holmes, 1957
- Lois Huetten (Slessler), 1966
- Becky Hunt, 1973
- Einar Johnson, Superintendent 1970-1973
- Erik Johnson, 1970-1973
- Jan Johnson, 1970-1973
- Lisa Johnson, 1970-1973
- Martin Johnson, 1952-1953
- Pat (Crombie) Keith, 1956
- Bill and Teresa Kraegel, 1976-1980
- Milt Madden, 1959-1962
- Shirleen Madden, 1959-1963
- Lee Anne Martinez 1979 & 1980
- Jeanie (Paine) Mendoza, 1960’s
- Ken Miller, 1964-1965
- Pat Carroll Miller, 1959
- Marilyn Minchinton, 1955
- Tamara (Mills), Morey, 1976
- Rex Neiger and Carol Wilcoxon, 1955-1958
- Carol Broeren Nelson, 1952
- Dave Panebaker, 1970-1975
- Zelma Pool, 1954-1968
- Jon Price
- Jo Ann Schilling-Armstrong, 1970
- Karn Stiegelmeier, 1978-1981
- Lois (Wise) Soulia, 1947-1953
- Beverly Wilcoxon Romney
- Sue Sears Shroy, 1972-1973
- Gerald L. Severin, 1957
- Janet L. Smith, 1965
- Jan Smelter
- Barbara (La Prarie) Stone
- Hank Tanski, 1978-1988
- Jeanie Terjeson, 1942
- Jack Tice, 1950-1951
- C. Waldron, 1962
- Harold (Eli) Whitney, 1940-1941
- Norman Wild
- George H. Will, 1953-1956
- Thomas Young, 1964-1984