Doug and Sadie Roach


(DR) They were old timers here.  To answer your question, yes, there was quite a little bit of building going on.  Expansion.  The superintendent’s house on the hill and the chief naturalist’s house were just completed (12).  We had two CCC camps at that time, Camp Wineglass and Camp Annie Springs.  The young fellow who was the clerk for the army side of the operation at Camp Annie Spring became a businessman in Medford, Tony Manno.  He had a hardware store before his death.  Quite a few people came back here to settle after their experience with the three C’s. They maintained trails, did road work, and all sorts of things like that. They were involved in a lot of experiences. Their man power was involved in the landscaping that was done around the new buildings. And on the rim, too, a lot of the islands of evergreens and shrubbery were planted during that time.

(SR) Can I tell about my first experience having a party?  We weren’t here very long, but people had been entertaining.  The superintendent’s wife had a little tea and several of the others up on the hill.  And we still lived in that little cottage.  I thought, well, I just feel I should do something.  I made my best recipes and had a tea. In those days, under the old superintendent, Solinsky, they were used to coming in hat and gloves. I couldn’t believe it. And so they came. After lunch, I had picked a great big bouquet of flowers, and I had a lovely wedding gift, we had a lovely wedding, it was a big vase.  I thought, I know just where to get these flowers. So after lunch I went down behind our little cottage and I picked this great big bouquet. So the women came, and they ooed and awed, where did you get the lovely flowers? I thought, my goodness, they lived in the park and they don’t know. So I said, “Just down behind the cottage here there are lovely Indian paintbrush and lupine.” They said, “Oh, it’s beautiful.” He came home and he said, “Where’d you get those flowers?” “I just picked them down there, honey.” “You’re not supposed to pick flowers in the park!” Oh, I felt so embarrassed. But they didn’t say anything.

Pete Foiles said that he was in change of going out and picking fresh flowers every day that they had in the lobby downstairs.

(SR) Is that right?