They have services. (9).
In the spring when the boys could run across the snow and I couldn’t. I would sink in up to my knees. They could get away from me in a hurry when they could run and I couldn’t. They enjoyed the snow. They also played in the pumice dust come summer. Made little colored boys out of them. They would play with that pumice dust and it stuck to their faces and hands. There was no tub. You had to bathe them in a shower. We didn’t have a shower in our cabin. Thing, I suppose, seemed difficult but for the time worked out. We did not have mail delivery very often. I don’t remember whether the mail came up regularly in the summer time. I guess it must have. They must have brought it up. Our mailing address was Fort Klamath. We went down there for mail. Had a box number. I suppose they have a post office up there now.
Yes, in the summer. (10).
I don’t know how many residents were there then compared with now. But in the winter time there weren’t maybe five families at the most. Also a few single men. I think the Superintendent and the Chief Ranger both moved to Medford in the winter. You (Jack) were in charge part of the time up there. Of course the snow plow crews were pretty important in the winter time. There also had to be someone to come thaw your pipes when they froze up.
I can’t think of anything else unless you have some questions.