Larry Smith

How have things changed over the years?

I think probably the biggest thing is I don’t see people out as much. I could be mistaken. Maybe you’ve got a different guard in there, but the last few years I was working there, there [was a lot of] complaining about the place. Benton made, and he is a good superintendent, a statement once “Out of Alaska, this is THE worst place to live, to winter” (4). I suppose it is if you’re used to the city. But other people revel in that kind of thing. And I remember he was trying to get some kind of hazard pay, isolation pay, that you get at Fort Jefferson. He was trying to convince region that the park was qualified as that kind of place. And yet under Buck Evans and those others you see that was normal. You were honored to be able to have a place like that to live. And you made a career out of it. You raised your family right there. Look at Johnny Fulton and his father. He’s (at) Rainier, I think, or Olympic?