Foot Notes:
- Building 129, demolished in 1987.
- Annie Springs 1934-1941.
- Building 125, demolished in 1956.
- John Fulton (Jr.) transferred to Mount Rainier in early 1988.
- John Morrison interviewed Hazel (Mrs. W.T) Frost on August 4, 1987. Wayne Howe believes Jack Frost died in Portland during 1993.
- The Prophecy Fire of August 1988.
- Of the Superintendents Residence (House 19) as a National Historic Landmark, on August 25, 1988.
- The “summer dump”, located one mile south of Park Headquarters, nears the intersection with Munson Valley fire road.
- The concessionary’s gas station in Munson Valley, which was in existence between 1958 and 1992.
- House 28, which was unoccupied from the time that Hank Tanski, Supervisory Ranger (Interpretation) departed for John Day Fossil Beds in July 1988 until May 1992.
- Lightning Springs.
- Dutchman Lookout near Medford. The other is Hershberger Lookout west of Crater Lake.
- Park Technician (026 series).
- As a National Historic Landmark. The dedication ceremony took place August 25, 1988.
- Building 5, the first machine shop. Now know to employees as “Rat Hall”.
- The previous road alignment of SR 62.
- The ranger residence (building 125) at Annie Spring, built in 1928 and demolished in 1956.
- Rex Trulove lives in Klamath Falls.
- The Administration Building was adaptively rehabilitated in 1987.
- Case incident file kept by the Ranger Division. The Jones-Culborne murder of 1952 is still on open case so the records are in the park.
- Lou Hallock died in 1992.
- Frank Bean, who was at Crater Lake from 1949 to 1952.
- Superintendent from 1954 to 1959.
- Superintendent from 1952-1953.
- Mariposa, California.
- Steel Circle. Roofs were flat on building 18 and 26 prior to 1991, and building 219, 221 and 226 before 1993
- James S. Rouse was superintendent at Crater Lake from 1978 to 1983.
- The Watchman Overlook, built in 1971.
- Playing God in Yellowstone by Alston Chase (1986).
- The Southern Utah Group was in existence from 1969 to 1972; Gilbert was general superintendent from 1969 to 1971.
- Marion Jack.
- Gateway NRA and Golden Gate NRA.