G.19. Weather For You Network (WX4U)
- Purpose of network: allow volunteer weather enthusiasts around the U.S. to observe and share weather data.
- Data website: http://www.met.utah.edu/jhorel/html/mesonet.
- Measured weather/climate elements:
o Air temperature.
o Relative humidity and dewpoint temperature.
o Precipitation.
o Wind speed and direction.
o Wind gust and direction.
o Pressure.
- Sampling frequency: 10 minutes.
- Reporting frequency: 10 minutes.
- Estimated station cost: unknown.
- Network strengths:
o Stations are located throughout the U.S.
o Stations provide near-real-time observations.
- Network weaknesses:
o Instrumentation platforms can be variable.
o Data are sometimes of questionable quality.
The WX4U network is a nationwide collection of weather stations run by local observers. Meteorological elements that are measured usually include temperature, precipitation, wind, and humidity.
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