B.1.9. Much of the development of new observational capabilities and the evidence supporting the value of these observations stem from research-oriented needs or programs. A lack of stable, long-term commitment to these observations and lack of a clear transition plan from research to operations are two frequent limitations in the development of adequate, long-term monitoring capabilities. Difficulties in securing a long-term commitment must be overcome in order to improve the climate-observing system in a timely manner with minimal interruptions.
B.1.10. Data management systems that facilitate access, use, and interpretation are essential. Freedom of access, low cost, mechanisms that facilitate use (directories, catalogs, browse capabilities, availability of metadata on station histories, algorithm accessibility and documentation, etc.) and quality control should guide data management. International cooperation is critical for successful management of data used to monitor long-term climate change and variability.
B.2. Abbreviated version, “Ten Commandments of Climate Monitoring”
B.2.1. Assess the impact of new climate-observing systems or changes to existing systems before they are implemented.
“Thou shalt properly manage network change.” (assess effects of proposed changes)
B.2.2. Require a suitable period where measurement from new and old climate-observing systems will overlap.
“Thou shalt conduct parallel testing.” (compare old and replacement systems)
B.2.3. Treat calibration, validation, algorithm-change, and data-homogeneity assessments with the same care as the data.
“Thou shalt collect metadata.” (fully document system and operating procedures)
B.2.4. Verify capability for routinely assessing the quality and homogeneity of the data including high-resolution data for extreme events.
“Thou shalt assure data quality and continuity.” (assess as part of routine operating procedures)
B.2.5. Integrate assessments like those conducted by the International Panel on Climate Change into global climate-observing priorities.