“Thou shalt anticipate the use of data.” (integrated environmental assessment; component in operational plan for system)
B.2.6. Maintain long-term weather and climate stations.
“Thou shalt worship historic significance.” (maintain homogeneous data sets from long–term, climate-observing systems)
B.2.7. Place high priority on increasing observations in regions lacking sufficient data and in regions sensitive to change and variability.
“Thou shalt acquire complementary data.” (new sites to fill observational gaps)
B.2.8. Provide network operators, designers, and instrument engineers with long-term requirements at the outset of the design and implementation phases for new systems.
“Thou shalt specify requirements for climate observation systems.” (application and usage of observational data)
B.2.9. Carefully consider the transition from research-observing system to long-term operation. “Thou shalt have continuity of purpose.” (stable long-term commitments)
B.2.10. Focus on data-management systems that facilitate access, use, and interpretation of weather data and metadata.
“Thou shalt provide access to data and metadata.” (readily available weather and climate information)
B.3. Literature Cited
Karl, T. R., V. E. Derr, D. R. Easterling, C. K. Folland, D. J. Hoffman, S. Levitus, N. Nicholls, D. E. Parker, and G. W. Withee. 1996. Critical Issues for Long-Term Climate Monitoring. Pages 55-92 in T. R. Karl, editor. Long Term Climate Monitoring by the Global Climate Observing System, Kluwer Publishing.
Global Climate Observing System. 2004. Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC. GCOS-92, WMO/TD No. 1219, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
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