137 Glossary

Igneous rock. Rock formed by solidification from a molten or partially molten state. Major varieties include plutonic and volcanic rock. Examples are andesite, basalt, and granite.

Increasers. Species in the climax vegetation that increase in amount as the more desirable plants are reduced by close grazing. Increasers commonly are the shorter plants and the less palatable to livestock.

Infiltration. The downward entry of water into the immediate surface of soil or other material, as contrasted with percolation, which is movement of water through soil layers or material.

Infiltration rate. The rate at which water penetrates the surface of the soil at any given instant, usually expressed in inches per hour. The rate can be limited by the infiltration capacity of the soil or the rate at which water is applied at the surface.

Intake rate. The average rate of water entering the soil under irrigation. Most soils have a fast initial rate; the rate decreases with application time. Therefore, intake rate for design purposes is not a constant but is a variable depending on Crater Lake National Park, Oregon 159 the net irrigation application. The rate of water intake, in inches per hour, is expressed as follows:

Less than 0.2 ……………………………………….. very low

0.2 to 0.4 …………………………………………………….. low

0.4 to 0.75 ………………………………….. moderately low

0.75 to 1.25 ………………………………………… moderate

1.25 to 1.75 ………………………………. moderately high

1.75 to 2.5 …………………………………………………. high

More than 2.5 ……………………………………… very high

Intermittent stream. A stream, or reach of a stream, that flows for prolonged periods only when it receives ground-water discharge or long, continued contributions from melting snow or other surface and shallow subsurface sources.

Invaders. On range, plants that encroach into an area and grow after the climax vegetation has been reduced by grazing. Generally, plants invade following disturbance of the surface.

Iron depletions. Low-chroma zones having a low content of iron and manganese oxide because of chemical reduction and removal, but having a clay content similar to that of the adjacent matrix. A type of redoximorphic depletion.