Hydrologic Benchmark Network Stations in the Western U.S. 1963-95 (USGS Circular 1173-D)
Crater Lake near Crater Lake, Oregon (Station 11492200)

This report details one of the approximately 50 stations in the Hydrologic Benchmark Network (HBN) described in the four-volume U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1173. The suggested citation for the information on this page is:
Mast, M.A., and Clow, David W., 2000, Environmental characteristics and water-quality of Hydrologic Benchmark Network stations in the Western United States, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1173-D, 115 p.
All of the tables and figures are numbered as they appear in each circular. Use the navigation bar above to view the abstract, introduction and methods for the entire circular, as well as a map and list of all of the HBN sites. Use the table of contents below to view the information on this particular station.
Other pages in this section
- CL Natural Resource Preservation and Research Fact Sheet 2000
- Overview of Limnology at Crater Lake Larson 1996
- Breeding Data on Crater Lake Fish – 1933
- Bull Trout Population Edwin Pister 1992
- Bull Trout Restoration and Brook Eradication – Buktenica 1994
- Distribution Bull Trout – Larson – 1995
- Fisheries Investigations in Crater Lake, Oregon, 1937-1940 by Arthur D. Hasler and D. S. Farner
- George Ruhle to Wallis Fish Planting 1951
- Post-Eruptive History and Bathymetry 2002
- Composition of the Water of Crater Lake, by Walton Van Winkle and N. M. Finkbiner, 1913
- Horizontal Distribution and Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton – Owen Hoffman 1969
- Ultraviolet Radiation and Bio-optics in Crater Lake, Oregon, Hargreaves, Girdner, Buktenica, Urbach and Larson, 2005
- The Impact of Climate on the Physics, Hydrology, and Biogeochemistry of Crater Lake, Oregon, July 1999 – June 2004
- Temperature Microstructure in Crater Lake, by Neal, Neshyba, Denner, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 16, No. 4 July, 1971
- Representative Freshwater Bacterioplankton Isolated from Crater Lake, Paige, Connon, Giovannoni, 2004
- Ecosystem Analysis Using Modeling, D’Ambrosio, Alterdorf, Jorgensen
- Vertical Temperature Structure in Crater Lake, Oregon (PDF file) by Neal, Neshyba, Denner, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 17, No. 3 May, 1972
- Mixing Dynamics in Crater Lake, Crawford, with contributions from Collier, Larson and others 2003
- Whitehorse Pond Limnological and Vascular Plant Study, 1993
- Detecting Long-Term Hydrological Patterns, Peterson, Silsbee, Redmond, Northwest Science, Vol. 73, No. 2, 1999
- Cruise Report, R/V Surf Surveyor Cruise, Mapping the Bathymetry of Crater Lake, Oregon, Gardner, USGS, 2000
- Hydrology of Crater, East and Davis Lakes – Phillips 1968
- Horizontal Distribution and Vertical Migrations of Limnetic Zooplankton in Crater Lake, Hoffman 1969
- Crater Lake Drifter Test – Preliminary Data Report, 1997
- Crater Lake Limnological Studies Final Report, Larson, McIntire, Jacobs 1993
- Chemical Analyses of Waters from Crater Lake and Nearby Springs, Thompson, White, Nathenson, 1987
- Water balance for Crater Lake, Oregon by Manuel Nathenson, 1991?
- Klamath Network Water Quality Report (Phase II). Hoffman, Currens and Madej., 2005
- Klamath Network Data Mining 2001-2007
- Klamath Network Amphibians and Reptiles Survey 2005
- Temperatures of Springs in the vicinity of Crater Lake, Nathenson, 1990
- Report on the Presence or Absence of Significant Thermal Features Within Crater Lake, 1992
- Hydrothermal Processes in Crater Lake, Oregon – extracted from OSU College of Oceanography Report #90-7, 1991
- Hydrothermal Processes in Crater Lake – Collier 1987
- Interpreting Variations in Secchi Disk Transparencies – Larson – 1980
- First Annual Limnological Report – 1983
- Geochemistry and Phytoplankton Studies – Collier – 1987
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