Hydrology of Crater, East and Davis Lakes, Oregon by Kenneth N. Phillips
The area around Davis Lake has moderate precipitation, most of which occurs as snowfall in the period November to April. The precipitation in the headwater area is much greater than that at and downstream from the lake. For example, in 1961 the total precipitation at Odell Lake, 10 miles to the southwest, was 59.4 inches, whereas it was only 22.6 inches at Wickiup Dam, an equal distance to the northeast. The winters are cold, and snow usually lingers about the lake until May or June. Summers are cool, and little precipitation falls from June to September.
No records of temperature exist for Davis Lake. Seasonal temperatures are probably similar to those at Odell Lake and at Wickiup Dam (table 11). Davis Lake is much nearer Wickiup Dam in altitude and presumably in seasonal temperature as well. On that assumption, the annual mean temperature at Davis Lake is estimated at 430 F.
The nearest precipitation stations are those at Odell Lake and Wickiup Dam. In the period 1950-64, the average precipitation was 61.45 inches at Odell Lake and 21.71 inches at Wickiup Dam (table 11); the long-term averages at both sites are probably a little less. The average annual precipitation at Davis Lake would almost surely be less than 40 inches and more than 30 inches; for this report, it is estimated at 36 inches.
Average evaporation from land pans at Odell Lake and Wickiup Dam for summer months is given in table 11. Annual evaporation loss from an open-water surface at Wickiup Dam is probably about 32 inches.
TABLE 11. Monthly and annual average temperature, precipitation, and evaporation at Odell Lake I and Wickiup Dam, I near Davis Lake |
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1 Weather station altitude, 4,795 ft.
2 Weather station altitude, 4,358 ft.
3 From records of U.S. Weather Bureau for the period January 1950 to December 1964, not adjusted to long-term average.
4 Average of land-pan values for May 1951-63.
5 Normal evaporation from land pans (records of U.S. Weather Bureau).
6 Estimated for this report.
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