Water Quality – 19 Attachment I: Bibliography

Howard, C., Albro, P., 1995, Mill Creek report: habitat and fisheries analysis: Rellim Redwood Company, Crescent City, CA, 127 p.

Humboldt Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. “Humboldt AFS: Pacific Salmonids at the Crossroads.” 1991.

Humboldt Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. “Notes on stocks of Pacific Salmon at risk in Humboldt AFS area.” 1991.

Jong, Bill. “Coho salmon presence/absence survey results; Richardson Creek trib [sic] to Klamath River (Del Norte County) (field note).” 2003.

Keller, Edward A., and Terrence D. Hofstra. “Summer cold pools in Redwood Creek near Orick, California and their importance as habitat for anadromous salmonids.”

Proceedings of the first biennial conference of research in Californias national parks, University of California, Davis, September 9-10, 1982, Marsha L. Murphy, Lynn D. Whittig, and Charles III Van Riper, 221-224. Davis, CA: Cooperative Parks Studies Unit, University of California, 1983.

Klatte, Bernard, and Terry Roelofs. 1997 final report, draft: Salmon redd composition, escapement and migration studies in Prairie Creek, Humboldt County, California, 1996-1997. 1997.

Klein, Randy D., and Mary Ann Madej. Evaluating effects of fine sediment on salmonid egg survival, Prairie Creek, northwestern California: a proposal to the US Man and the Biosphere Program. 1990.

Klein, Randy. “Rigid, immobile structures: Frozen assets in a liquid economy.” Proceedings of the eighteenth annual salmonid restoration federation conference, Fortuna, CA, March 2-5, 2000, Johanna Schussler, 21-22. 2000.

Klein, Randy. Duration of turbidity and suspended sediment transport in salmonidbearing streams, north coastal California. Redwood National and State Parks, 2003.

Krakker, Joseph J. “Utilization of the Klamath River estuary by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 1986.” Diss., Humboldt State University, 1991.

Kramer, Sharon H. Scientific Investigations Permit: Density of juvenile coho salmon occupying large wood refuge habitat. Arcata, CA: Stillwater Sciences, Private Consulting Firm, 2000.

Kramer, Sharon, and Randy Klein. “The distribution and role of large woody debris in upper Prairie Creek, a pristine northern California redwood watershed.” Proceedings of the eighteenth annual salmonid restoration federation conference, Fortuna, CA, March 2-5, 2000, Johanna Schussler, 6. 2000.

Larson, James P. “Utilization of the Redwood Creek estuary, Humboldt County, California, by juvenile salmonids.” Diss., Humboldt State University, 1987.

Lechuga, Gilbert. Comparison of condition factors, length and weights of 3 yr-old adult hatchery and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during upstream migration. 1983.

Lewis, Tim. Scientific Investigations Permit: Regional population estimates of coho salmon. 1999.

Madej, Mary Ann. “Determining replenishment rates for aggregate mining.” Proceedings of the 8th Annual California Salmon, Steelhead and Trout Restoration Conference, Eureka, CA, February 23-25, 1990, Jim Waldvogel, pages 71-76. California Salmon, Steelhead and Trout Restoration Federation, 1990.

Manning, David J., Terry D. Roelofs, and William T. Trush. Carrying capacity and limiting habitat analysis for coho salmon in streams of northwestern California. Arcata, California: Department of Fisheries and Institue for River Ecosystems; Humboldt State University, 1996.

McCain, Michael Eugene. “Habitat utilization by the 1987 and 1988 cohorts of chinook salmon from emergence to outmigration in Hurdygurdy Creek, California.” Diss., Humboldt State University, 1994.