4. List water bodies of particular importance or interest to the park and park management (for Column 2 see 3 above). Water Body Type Reason for Importance or Interest
5. List past and current water quality monitoring (physical, chemical, biological) efforts within your park. Attach additional page, if necessary.
6. List the water resource management issues or land use issues that now impact water resources from either within or outside your park. Examples of issues to list include: atmospheric deposition, introduced species, resource degradation due to visitor impact, logging/deforestation, agriculture, grazing, mining, road construction, off-road vehicles, sewage from second homes, boats & personal water craft, urbanization on a park boundary, etc (you may have other issues). Issues also may include “point discharges” into park aquatic systems or their upstream tributaries (note, a “point discharge” is something coming from a pipe or a distinct point of leakage, as opposed to a “non point discharge” from diffuse sources, such as contaminated runoff coming from farm fields. Point discharges also can include public or privately owned treatment works (POTW’s) –i.e., sewage plants. Point discharges also can include EPA designated Superfund Sites. Think in terms of both current impacts to water bodies and future impacts related to growth (industrial, commercial, or residential) or expansion of various types of development. Attach additional page, if necessary.
7. List the Staff level of experience or interest in water quality monitoring at the park. Identify individuals with a particular interest in water resources or water quality monitoring. If your park has particular outside contacts or sources for water quality and water resource issues, please include them.
The questionnaire can be returned to Robert Hoffman via email or snailmail:
Thank you for your time and effort in completing this questionnaire. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact: Robert Hoffman: (541) 750-1013 or robert_hoffman@usgs.gov
Robert Hoffman
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
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