Figure 11A. Crater Lake empirical model for Kd,380 versus depth based on bio-optical signals (20 August 2001). Temperature and depth from Seabird CTD; chlorophyll fluorescence (Fchl, relative units) from Wetlabs WetStar fluorometer;cp660 from SeaTech transmissometer (cw=0.411 m-1); Kd,380 (open circles) from LI-1800uw scans. Model: Kd,380= 0.40*Fchl + 0.36*cp660.
Figure 11B. Crater Lake phytoplankton photoacclimation index for 2001 (from ratio of biooptical signals, Fchl:cp660).
Figure 12B. Absorption ratios consistent with photo protection from UV-B in phytoplankton near the surface (MAA peak versus Chlorophyll-a red peak ratio follows attenuation trend for UV-B irradiance; Chlorophyll-a blue peak versus Chlorophyll-a red peak ratio remains constant with depth). Ratio of Fchl:cp660 shows photoacclimation as in Figure 11B.
Figure 15A. Crater Lake regression of photometer Kd,blue against inverse Secchi depth (units m-1; annual averages for only same-day measurements, 1968–1991). Equation: Kd,blue = 2.08/ZSD – 0.026 (r2=0.54, N=13 years).
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