Investigator’s Annual Reports (IAR) for Crater Lake National Park
The Investigator’s Annual Report is the process and database the National Park Service uses to document and track research accomplishments pertaining to natural resource and social science studies. We have copied all records for Crater Lake National Park to form this database.
Scientists issued a permit by the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) to conduct scientific research pertaining to natural resources or social sciences are required, as a condition of the permit, to provide an Investigator’s Annual Report (IAR). The IAR enables investigators to document the objectives and annual findings of the study and bibliographic references either resulting from the study or significantly related to the study.
There are not the actual research papers, but an overview of each permit, who and what it involved, and short descriptions of results.
*Subject categories include: Air Quality, Archaeology, Botany, Climatology, Ecology, Entomology, Environmental Monitoring, Fire, Fisheries Management, Forestry, Fungi, Geology, Herpetology, Hydrology, Limnology, Mammalogy, Management, Microbiology, Ornithology, Recreation, Sociology, Volcanology, Water Quality, Wildlife Management.
Also, we have removed specific address and contact information for the researchers for privacy. If you wish to see the contact information that is available in the original record you can search through the National Park Service’s Investigator’s Annual Reports database.
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